Is it time to update the kit again?

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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby MJ_1993 » Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:46 pm

[quote="Hal"]Personally I like our current kit, I`m proud to wear it and find riders easy to spot when racing and when around town.

There is a big finincial implication to ask members to buy a full set of new kit, even if it needs replacing after a few years.

This will lead to a few years of mutiple kits which looks a bit untidy.

Yellow is good and bright (black looks good to you but not car drivers at dusk)

I`m against the idea of sponsorship.

The idea of a retro jersey/training top is one I support.


the persuasive techniques all over the place there :P
if we pursue retro i cant see yellow being the main colour and it still looks good. marco as usual, has some good ideas. and i like the idea of ACC non-cycling stuff. such as a TRACKSUIT. :D
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Paul on the Pearson » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:02 pm

How about Regalino pink?
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby MJ_1993 » Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:41 pm

sounds like a plan. wont you need some new gimp cycling stuff to avoid a clash of colours?
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Jon H » Tue Apr 14, 2009 3:52 pm

I think the kit's pretty good as it is, but would go for evolutionary rather than revolutionary changes. If we were to do some minor changes I would get rid of "The Agreeables" tag on the collar, and make the black parts completely black rather than that strange black/green fade effect.

Although there are some problems with Santini (rubbish skinsuit zips, not the best chamois, exchange rate), it could be a case of "better the devil you know". If we were to change supplier we would most likely have to commit to a fairly large order initially, and would not immediately have the same range available as we currently have. Also GB's would be likely to end up lumbered with the remaining Santini stock, as people would not want to buy the old design; if I was running GB's I would ask ACC to buy up all the Santini stock before restocking from the new supplier.

Post-race team clothing would be good - yes to the polo shirt, no to the tracksuit (I have no desire to dress like a chav). Of course, the casual clothing doesn't have to come from a cycling clothing company - it would be cheaper and probably a lot easier to buy from a UK company that does kit for sports clubs, schools etc.
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby kieran » Tue Apr 14, 2009 4:29 pm

is there any BCF or RTT regulations that a club can have only one current offical kit? If not couldn't we have two or mor options?

I don't mind one way or anothe as I only wear the club top when racing so I haven't got too bored of it. I don't think it is 'old fashioned', my problem is that yellow and black kit only goes with yellow and black so unless you have the top and shorts etc it kinda clashes with other non club kit. Also I'm not mad on the fit either.

As Hal said, it is good for visibility at dawn/dusk/night and for spotting our guys in races.

Toks is just going through a mid life crisis - can we get a leather jacket in ACC colours? :wink:

Oh, we did get those t-shirts a while ago, although a moth quickly ate a hole in mine, so I don't wear it any more, it was nice.
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby MJ_1993 » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:01 pm

i propose we find a bunch of schoolchildren doing textiles and ask them to draft up some ideas. and toks can pay them forhaving this brilliant idea. :twisted:
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Toks » Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:13 pm

What about swapping the colours around? So put white where yellow is and yellow where white is etc.It could be kinda like an away version of our home kit. And then also have an updated retro kit :shock: 8)
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:56 pm

[quote="kieran"]is there any BCF or RTT regulations that a club can have only one current offical kit? If not couldn't we have two or mor options?

BC - The regulations state that racing is only permitted with the "registered" design etc, and I submit a drawing of our kit in best crayon to them at the beginning of each year. Quite often promoters/commissaires are unaware of the correct design, and occasionally may be flexible on what is allowed - even trade team kit in a SL event once as a beginner. PS Includes track, road, cyclo cross, MTB etc Does not apply to Youth category.

RTTC - They say you must race in club clothing, but I don't know how they would know, but riding local events will get you noticed. Club events (evening 10's) are technically exempt from this ruling.

No reason why an "away" strip couldn't be used, but would not be allowed in races as above.

Anyone going to produce some designs for the committee to consider :?:
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Alan M » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:11 am

[quote]Anyone going to produce some designs for the committee to consider

I think this is premature. It seems to me the stages involved in such a decision could be negotiated as follows:

1 agree in principle to delegate responsibility and give terms of reference to a small working group the purpose of which would be to undertake investigations, commission some initial design work and the formulation of costed options, one of which would be to do nothing. Alongside this determine if sponsorship is and option worth considering.

2. Receive a report of the above in advance of the next appropriate meeting

3. Discuss what further actions to take and inform club members of committee's decisions and proposed actions and timescale.

4. If decided to go ahead determine supplier and any other outstanding issues like supply, sizing, etc
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby jon avery » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:16 am

5. Put the proposed kit designs (including the old one) on the forum, and have a vote?
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Alan M » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:51 am

[quote="jon avery"]5. Put the proposed kit designs (including the old one) on the forum, and have a vote?

As I have said before I do not think you can have a plebiscite for this kind of decision, let alone one on the forum which not everyone uses or has access to. If you want opinions on designs then best invite people to a meeting to see and discuss but decisions should be taken by our elected committee, if not why do we have a committee?
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Snoop Doug » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:52 am

Agree with Alan - if Paul's not already done so I'll put your perfectly worded earlier note to the committee :D Close this for now unless you fancy more pointless debate - and let's face it, no one likes that more than me......more later
Snoop Doug

Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby mrP(Boonen)VT » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:23 am

It's already on the Agenda :D

As you quite rightly say Alan, the decision could be to do nothing.

I was interested to see if anyone actually had any ideas rather than just saying it's rubbish etc, which might help the committee to make their decision.
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Alan M » Thu Apr 16, 2009 9:28 am

[quote="mrP(Boonen)VT"]It's already on the Agenda :D

As you quite rightly say Alan, the decision could be to do nothing.

I was interested to see if anyone actually had any ideas rather than just saying it's rubbish etc, which might help the committee to make their decision.

Paul, such a request for 'ideas' is probably a hostage to fortune, better to go about it more systematically I think
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Re: Is it time to update the kit again?

Postby Alan M » Tue May 12, 2009 10:43 pm

I have probably missed the outcome of this due to my trip to Mallorca but can someone tell me what was the result of any discussions at the committee meeting?
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