Big thanks to Nick for an excellent demo at the club room last night.
He ran through how the Spinscan softawre analyzes pedaling efficiency and the multifarious ways it can be improved as well all aspects of how bike-fitting and set up can improve your posture, comfort and performance.
As an offer to ACC members (Nick has just joined us himself) he's doing 50% rates for a 2-hour analysis (which is about £50 instead of £100. The best bit is, he'll come to your house with the equipment to do the test.
So if you have concerns over any of the issues below, send him a PM to arrange a visit - his user name is [color=#00BFFF]nick de meyer[/color]
* Knee pain?
* Lower back pain and hip pain?
* Leg length discrepancy?
* Illiotibial band tightness and lateral knee pain?
* Do you pronate?
* Tightly clenched toes and/or aching on the outside of your feet during rides?
* Feet hot spots?
* Flat feet?
* Lack of power?
* Excessive movement of one or both legs while pedalling?
* One foot that never feels quite right in the shoe/pedal?
* One good leg, one not so good?