Start:East Croydon Station 10am
Route: Will try and do the one Grahame took us on when it was still snowy. Heads up towards Selsdon via Conduit Lane and then down Ewoks (sp?) to the end of Courtwood Lane. Up the silly steep side of the golf course and then through to near the White Bear (memory's a bit vague on this section so it might end up "I'll remember it when I get there" or "hmmm lets try this way" - do remember it was a walk up a silly steep hill to come out at the farm by the pub though). Bit of a hack along cross country /woods to drop down by Sparrows Den. Then head back maybe via a ride through the woods at the top of Sparrow's Den.
All the above is dependent on me remembering where I'm going (if Grahame or any others who know the route I mean can't make Sunday). If I get lost though I'm sure we can find our way out the woods and the like somehow

Not a beginner's ride but not a nutter's ride either.
I'll post to say I won't be going if the weather says it's going to be raining.