Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

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Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Andrew G » Mon May 11, 2009 7:58 pm

Weather permitting I'll be doing a MTB ride on Sunday (17th).

East Croydon Station 10am
Route: Will try and do the one Grahame took us on when it was still snowy. Heads up towards Selsdon via Conduit Lane and then down Ewoks (sp?) to the end of Courtwood Lane. Up the silly steep side of the golf course and then through to near the White Bear (memory's a bit vague on this section so it might end up "I'll remember it when I get there" or "hmmm lets try this way" - do remember it was a walk up a silly steep hill to come out at the farm by the pub though). Bit of a hack along cross country /woods to drop down by Sparrows Den. Then head back maybe via a ride through the woods at the top of Sparrow's Den.

All the above is dependent on me remembering where I'm going (if Grahame or any others who know the route I mean can't make Sunday). If I get lost though I'm sure we can find our way out the woods and the like somehow :D .

Not a beginner's ride but not a nutter's ride either.

I'll post to say I won't be going if the weather says it's going to be raining.
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Grahame » Mon May 11, 2009 9:32 pm

I'll try to get a pass to play out on Sunday.

Hopefully the icecream van will be at Keston Ponds - that's always a nice way to conclude that ride.

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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Alboy » Mon May 11, 2009 11:34 pm

Iam up for this.

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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Grahame » Tue May 12, 2009 8:47 am

Pass stamped.

I'll be there.
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Andrew G » Tue May 12, 2009 5:16 pm

Excellent Grahame :D . Be good to see you again Buzz :lol: .
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Snoop Doug » Tue May 12, 2009 7:46 pm

Does this go anywhere near to Caterham on the hill? I don't think it does but I had to bail @ Selsdon last time so not sure of onward route. If I can get a pass I may join you for the earlier section...he he
Snoop Doug

Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Andrew G » Tue May 12, 2009 8:05 pm

Heads east from Selsdon Snoop so off in the other direction I'm afraid.
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby higg » Wed May 13, 2009 8:00 pm

I'm afraid I'm going to miss this one, I'm already committed to doing the Evans cyclosportive from Gatwick. Have a good one.

(Mr Green, I will have to get the route off you sometime, I don't recognise those placenames.)
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Andrew G » Wed May 13, 2009 9:04 pm

I think this is it, or close to Aodan.
It's a rough guide as these inconsiderate map things don't mark all the little trails through the woods on them :roll: . The stretch up Old Farleigh road there is a narrow trail on the bank by the side of the road but those wanting as easier ride up can stick to the road if they want. I'm not sure of the bit from Jewels Wood on but we followed a nice trail that dropped down to, I think, near Keston. I'll probably look to make my way from there back to Spring Park at Sparrows Den and cut through the woods at the top of the playing fields and then back down at the end of the field as there's a bike path that runs parallel to the Mad Mile (Kent Gate Way) and brings you in to Addington Village by the (trivia fact alert) oldest cricket ground in the World. I'll just head back from there past Addington Park but for Croydon dwellers going up Spout Hill and then along the top on the path by the edge of the woods towards Trinity RAB would be more interesting.
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri May 15, 2009 5:44 pm

Weather for Sunday looks OK. If it doth pee-eth down tho, do we taketh a rain checkety...?

Don't wanna be bilbo no mates y'know


PS - general q - will I get away with skinny tyres d'you reckon?
Snoop Doug

Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Andrew G » Fri May 15, 2009 8:39 pm

Well if it is raining Snoop then I won't be there, if it's just the odd light shower then I plan on it.

I'd fit your knobblies.
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Snoop Doug » Sat May 16, 2009 12:49 pm

Knobblies on. Inner tube 1 - exploded in quite spectacular style. Changed it for one with a slow puncture, he he.

Off to get a few more toobs, it darn better not rain tomorrow :evil:
Snoop Doug

Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Andrew G » Sun May 17, 2009 2:44 pm

A tough 30 miles in torrential rain and strong wind over very testing terrain.

Oh all right then, what actually happened was I left for East Croydon in the dry, got as far as Gravel Hill when it started raining. Only light, probably a gentle shower so onwards and upwards. Then cut through the woods next to the tram line on Coombe Road and it started chucking it down, so I stopped in a denser part for shelter for five minutes as it hammered on nature's umbrella.

It eased to just pouring so carried on and across and squelchy Lloyd Park and through to the station. Met an equally wet Grahame and we both commented on how it's always better weather in Kent. Not sure who was going to be there as Snoop had texted to say he couldn't make it, said we'd wait 'til ten past for Al and watched the rain continue fall unabated (which probably put any sane people off).

We came to the conclusion that as it was still raining it wasn't just a little shower so we'd head for home, just then Marco rolls up the hill with a pair of shorts a much darker colour than when he'd left home. After a bit of a natter he sort of convinced us it that as it had just that second stopped we could do a short dive about in the woods. Off we set and quess what, down the wet stuff came again. We made it to Lloyd Park and sheltered under a tree and chatted for a while before we all set off for home.

It stopped again so we decided to do a little loop and set off over Lloyd Park and then along a couple of bridle paths that took us to the top of Gravel Hill. Oh guess what, yep it started chucking it down again when we'd hardly made any ground so we were soaked yet again on this stretch.

Someone didn't like us today as it chucked it down whenever we made forward motion and got out from under shelter so we all said ta, ta and went home.

Out the shower and warmed up and the sky was blue and sun shining, [img][/img]ing typical!

Thanks to Grahame and Marco for turning up, shame it all went tits up.
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Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Snoop Doug » Sun May 17, 2009 4:42 pm

Bummer :(

K wasn't feeling great this morning so I stayed behind. We were going to see K's cous for his birthday later. They live over Caterham on the Hill. Mrs Snoop let me go out to play by myself so I rode from ours to theirs. A vicous headwind from Carshalton into Coulsdon. Then I headed up onto Farthing Downs and wondered if I'd ever get across it. I battled through the wind and then on up to Chaldon before a left turn then shortly to my destination. Stayed dry and I guess got some good training, very very windy :shock:
Snoop Doug

Re: Something for the weekend Pt.2 - MTB ride 17/5

Postby Sylv » Tue May 19, 2009 5:08 pm

Will they, won't they, will they ...? :lol:
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