Crystal Palace 2nd June

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Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby ThePinkDreamMachine » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:39 am

The pearls are off and we are racing.

Great turn out at this evening‘s Palace. London Dynamo may have more riders but Addiscombe is a real community.
Carole H and the whole family came along, picnic and all, while The Shadow brought the blonde contingency (his lovely wife and two charming little girls) who turned into brilliant team cheer leaders for the night. Michelle also made an appearance siting in her garden chair like a queen on her throne overseeing her subjects. Later on Marco, Bridget and Adam came along to watch the fun. Now that was 10 just supporting and I lost count of how many riders were in yellow.

It was a night for madness with lots of near misses, a big crash and a lot of huffing and puffing.

Only five girls took the start line tonight and more 3rd/4th cat men than I have ever seen before. Charlie Blackman was very much mother goose this week, leading some great tactical moves she kept us together for 5 laps, longer than I’ve managed to hold on before. On lap 6 it was complete carnage around the hairpin with the 3rd/4th cat men over taking us and the E/1/2 men over taking them at the same time, squeezing around the tight bend, wheels hopping, men all over the place and slap bang in the middle are us girls. At one point I got petrified when a 1st cat leaned on me one side while at the same time a 4th cat somehow managed to lean against me on the other.

Phew, we came out the other side unscathed and we now started racing. I got caught behind a suffering dull witch, sorry, Dulwich girl that I couldn’t seem to get around until it was too late, in a blink we’d lost the front two girls, Dammit... Adam yelled ‘dont sit on the back get up there.’ Un-impressed by this seeing as I’d just lead all the way up the hill and most of the first three laps! I came around to take the front again with a little too much power and she’d gone... dropped off the back and disappeared. Great, now I was completely on my own with the front two slipping away.

Meanwhile Carole was doing a sterling job, zooming around and even looking like she was enjoying it too, holding the best line I’ve ever seen a girl going down that hill and through the bend. I passed Sean just as Sylv, Hal and then The Shadow etc came flying past. The Blonde Broomfields, looking very sweet in top-to-toe pink were cheering me on every lap like my own, personal support team that really encouraged me to push harder so as not to disappoint them, (apparently, they both now want pink bikes, it’s going to get expensive Steve.)

The men were streaming past and cutting me up causing me to ride on to the grass. The pearls were absent tonight though and with them, any semblance of me being ladylike, and I don’t know where it came from but I really shouted some abuse at one guilty rider. Another one did it and I shouted again. Then to add insult to injury, number 50 from Dulwich cleared his throat and spat it out, hitting my lovely new pink and white shoes. I lost it. No one Spits (yuck) on MY PINK SHOES, and my blood boiled over with rage. I yelled ‘Oi, you wouldn’t spit on your wife would you. So don’t spit on me, I’m someone’s Girlfriend too you know’. After this out-burst I calmed down. But only a bit.

I forgot which lap I was on and ploughing on, I couldn’t work out if I was feeling sick from the sheer amount of effort or if it was that stuff I found in the back cupboard called Gatorade. I was pretty worried about what the colour of it was going to do to my teeth and the taste was shocking.
Whilst pondering this into the bottom corner and bracing myself for the next infestation of riders flying past like a swarm of bees ready with my arm out to punch one this time if he came too close, I heard the horrid sound of scraping tyres and clattering carbon on tarmac. Looking over my shoulder I saw, about 15 metres behind me, a mostly Dynamo coloured sea of riders is pouring down the grass bank like drunks after a garden party. F****ng amateurs! One was wrapped round a tree like some over-zealous, lycra-clad bird watcher. I’d also like to point out that I did not, whatsoever cause this crash, at all.

A few laps later and the bell rang, signalling my last lap. I was pretty relieved as my temper was as red as my face and I’ve never ridden so hard at Palace. Getting angry works as this lady, well maybe not a lady tonight, finished 3rd scoring seven more points for my basket.

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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby -Adam- » Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:08 am

[quote="ThePinkDreamMachine"]The pearls are off and we are racing.

Good to see your taking it more seriously these days.

You have improved a lot since the last time I saw you, I'm impressed. It was just a shame that you didn't close the gap to Charlie and the other girl before it was too late. You looked like you'd have been able to stay with them and fight it out for the win otherwise. Remember she is only human.
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby kieran » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:18 am

well, a crowded and fast 3/4 race last night. Punctured after 18 laps so watched the last few laps whilst fixing the puncture. Interesting final sprint.
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby Gavin » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:40 am

It was a packed start line for 3/4s I was on the right near the back. We went off at what seemed like a more sensible pace that last time but once we got round a few corners the gaps started creeping in the riders in front. Soon I was in a small group which then split to just me and one other guy. We pretty much went round for 20 laps on out own or with one other. I got lapped twice and was fairly happy as I managed to jump on the back of groups as they came through (not the leading pack this was groups that had been lapped less than me!) and we a lot stronger on the hill. Still need to work on the cornering but got a little scared with the red flags and the 6 bike pile up in the tree........... Think this was caused by a lapped rider (or so I heard)

Lots of Addiscombe giving support it was much appreciated.

Did anyone else notice the hill kept coming round quicker every time and yet I was getting slower how is that possible?
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby Sylv » Wed Jun 03, 2009 9:40 am

Well done Chloe! You sure sound like you enjoy racing at Palace.

Well what a race. I was feeling good that day, not "great" but "good" which nonetheless was an improvement on previous weeks, and should be enough to complete London's hardest race. The Palace was packed like never before when I got there at 7pm, and I was glad I didn't have to join the 3/4 queue! So many ACC riders and supporters. My plan was to follow the Master (Warrick), he always wins doesn't he, and last few times I raced he didn't show up to the front until at least 1/3rd into the race, so instead of tiring myself chasing early attacks I thought, if he doesn't go - don't go.

We start and lo and behold, within 5 seconds he's there at the front chasing a Dynamo, then proceeding to lead the bunch at warp speed, for the first 5 laps - check out those split times - with the occasional other rider taking a turn. Oh I get it, he's rehearsing for the Smithfield Elite race on Saturday. That was so fast, I didn't get a chance to take a drink for the first 15 minutes. But I was feeling ok, and staying in the first 5-10. About 12 laps in and the pace was still up, I thought, surely by now some sort of natural break should have formed, but it hadn't - but instead the bunch had dwindled from 40+ to about 20! Toks was one of the casualties. I was now taking turns at the front and confident that I would make it into a break.

Then, lap 19 by the looks of it, going into the bottom bend in about 5th wheel, I see a Dynamo going down and sliding into the grass, then another Dynamo, then Matt Seaton who was just ahead of me goes flying three feet into the air, just like a rag doll, narrowly avoiding hitting the big fat tree. That was pretty scary to see. I heard after of a snapped Cervelo? There were two bikes on the ground and I don't know how I didn't go down, I think it was more luck than skill. I freewheeled for a few seconds, dazed and a bit confused as what to do next - stop to offer help, wait for everyone who's not crashed to regroup? Unfortunately the 5-6 riders who were ahead of the crash didn't hesitate and went hammering up the hill. By the time I got going again there was a good 20m gap. I was spurred to keep going by two riders behind me, who then managed to jump and chase the group and eventually get back on, but as hard as I tried I couldn't do it.

Bummer! It didn't look like there was anyone behind me either, so I thought I'd try and complete the race solo without getting lapped. I looked at the lap board and it said 15 - bummer!! So I kept a smooth fast pace for about 3-4 laps, I was passing small groups of 3/4 and some lapped e/1/2. Then Hal and another 3 or so with Phil Glowinski, Brian Curtis and two Dulwich came to the rescue and we began taking turns (well some of us). We could still see the break but we were not going to get back on, the only thing to do was to try not get lapped.

We weren't going that fast though, looks like the break was gaining about 10s per lap on us, and we got lapped with one to go. I took Phil's wheel up the climb but when he launched the sprint I lost it and finished 3rd of our group, I think 11th overall.

1 - 00:01:59 - 39.5 - 150 - 166
2 - 00:01:50 - 42.3 - 165 - 171
3 - 00:01:56 - 40.6 - 169 - 174
4 - 00:01:55 - 40.4 - 165 - 169
5 - 00:01:47 - 43.3 - 171 - 177
6 - 00:01:54 - 41.3 - 173 - 177
7 - 00:01:52 - 41.9 - 175 - 177
8 - 00:01:49 - 42.8 - 172 - 177
9 - 00:01:56 - 40 - 174 - 177
10 - 00:01:57 - 40.1 - 168 - 172
11 - 00:01:55 - 40.6 - 170 - 177
12 - 00:01:54 - 40.7 - 174 - 177
13 - 00:01:55 - 39.7 - 173 - 177
14 - 00:02:02 - 38.1 - 168 - 174
15 - 00:01:55 - 40.5 - 164 - 169
16 - 00:01:54 - 41.3 - 167 - 173
17 - 00:02:04 - 37.6 - 169 - 172
18 - 00:01:56 - 40.1 - 169 - 172
19 - 00:01:53 - 41.3 - 173 - 179
20 - 00:02:04 - 37.5 - 174 - 179 - this is where the crash happened ?
21 - 00:02:07 - 36.1 - 169 - 173
22 - 00:02:01 - 38.2 - 166 - 170
23 - 00:02:07 - 37.3 - 163 - 170
24 - 00:02:11 - 35.7 - 161 - 166
25 - 00:02:02 - 38.3 - 164 - 168
26 - 00:01:59 - 39.4 - 166 - 171
27 - 00:02:06 - 37.4 - 163 - 170
28 - 00:03:34 - 38.2 - 161 - 172 - long lap through the shortcut
29 - 00:02:07 - 37.2 - 160 - 169
30 - 00:02:06 - 37.1 - 158 - 164
31 - 00:02:07 - 36.9 - 157 - 164
32 - 00:02:13 - 35.2 - 160 - 166 - we got lapped with one to go
33 - 00:02:07 - 37.5 - 159 - 173
Summary - 01:07:19 - 39.1 - 166 - 179
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby -Adam- » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:05 am

Sounds like you had an unlucky race Sylv. The view from the sidelines wasn't exactly encouraging in terms of organisation.

I think there ought to be a cap imposed on the 3/4 race, as again it seemed like there were just too many riders to keep control of last night.

Although pretty much all of what I heard and saw could probably have been avoided if dropped and lapped riders were pulled out as soon as they were out of contention.

This is what happens in Europe, and would make the racing much safer I think.

And yes, Cameron Austin's £3k Cervelo did end up with a rather nasty crack in it.

And yes, the finish of the 3/4 cat race was unbelieveable. With the Glendene rider set for almost certain victory nearly taken out by a lapped rider who should have gotten off the track long before the finish. As a result the Glendene rider was forced onto the grass, allowing Hugo bloody Humphries to come through for yet another win. Somehow the Glendene rider did get back on the track to take 2nd.
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby Sylv » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:46 am

Where are the photos Michelle! And well done Shaun (Steve?)

From LCS:

Charlotte Blackman (Cyclefit) jumped away on the final lap from Bryony Darbon (VC Londres) to win. The field was cut down in size as the race progressed.

1 Charlotte Blackman Cyclefit
2 Bryony Darbon VC Londres
3 Chloe Thomas Addiscombe CC
4 Carol Heritage Addiscombe CC

Tom Hemnant (London Dynamo) made a great effort to take a solo victory before he was scooped up by the pack, and so it was right and proper that when the whole field hit the final turn, Hemnant had jumped a few metres away to lead the bunch sprint across the line.

1 Tom Hemnant London Dynamo
2 Warrick Spence
3 Daniel Santini Pearson Cycles
4 Kevin Knox Dulwich Paragon
5 Ian Paine London Dynamo
6 Sam Humpheson London Dynamo
7 Mike Ladbrook Norwood Paragon
8 Chris Ansell Corridori
9 Phillip Glowinski VC Londres @ 1 lap
10 Simon Bird Dulwich Paragon
(11 - me ..)

The huge field stayed firmly together and on the final lap a mass gallop to the line was to be held.

Rounding the final bend, Oliver Rossi (Glendene) had a good gap when he tripped up on an errant back marker and was forced very wide onto the grass. Having regained the circuit he was able to place third. In many ways the moral winner.

1 Hugo Humphreys Lee Valley Youth CC
2 Matt Zietz Pearson Cycles
3 Oliver Rossi Glendene
4 James Wilson Sigma RT
5 Luis Cuevas N/A
6 Christian Cormack London Dynamo
7 Andy Ross Sydenham Whlrs
8 Shaun Hagan Addiscombe CC
9 Bruce Moore London Phoenix
10 Matthew Harper London Phoenix
11 Alex Robbins Dulwich Paragon
12 Ben Spurrier Team Mule Bar
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby Rob C » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:19 am

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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby ThePinkDreamMachine » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:36 am

The Blonde Broomfields cheer team..


The Queen bee her self.. add your own caption


see look i do wear the yellow...


Michelle has the rest.

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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby Michelle » Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:37 am

Sean the way to get better placement for that 1st corner is to get to the front left hand side of the 3/4's as they start. And not in the grass either.

Chloe - excellent write up, boy that made me laugh out loud at least 4 times. Your writing is excellent, and I just lovely that humorous style.

Sylv - your race was really unlucky with the crash but at least you weren't in it, that's the luck of bike racing though! Sorry chaps not too many photos today, the sun is out and I am determined to top up the tan whilst the yellow ball is still in the sky. Most of the photos I took were rubbish anyway (needed Sylv's camera). I will trawl through and put some on tomorrow, but I sent Chloe a few, hopefully she will post them.

Well done to all and sundry, what a packed race that was. I have wanted to come to Palace so badly since it started in April, it was really great to get there at last :D
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby Andrew G » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:50 pm

There seem to have been a few organisational gremlins at Palace lately. It's a bloody difficult job though and they aren't helped by a lot (and increasing amount) of riders.

There should be a cap on the field size, I thought there was as I know they limited it just after Eastway closed and riders came over to CP. They turned people away.

A couple of years ago they seemed to use the hairpin cut-off more often and it seemed to keep the different races seperate better. Not sure why this isn't being done as much, perhaps as field are splitting more so difficult to keep track of folk if they do that.

Some of the riders are ridiculous, and some of the behaviour has been a joke. A 3/4 crit at Palace is hardly big time but some of the jokers are unbelievable.

I may not contest the points but I like racing there, it provides a good workout, and I think I do so safely. When I'm being lapped by the E/1/2 or later on the 3/4 I always stay hard to one side of the course, not that this matters to some as they still think you should have managed to vanish just because they get themselves badly positioned and end up blocked. If it's approaching a bend I ease up and hold a very tight line so they can pass, as much as possible I'm staying off the racing line but am going to end up at the apex/exit point at some point. I think this is safer than just stopping on the track in the middle of a race, and I object to the attitude of a small few who seem to think you shouldn't be there if you can't stay with the bunch. Be very small races then, if any at all as the income for the organiser would be tiny.

I pull out between 3 and 5 laps from the end of the 3/4 race so that I'm not in the way, not just of the sprint but also any late attacks or pace winding up. The amount of people who stay in the thing until the end even though they were dropped on lap 1 or 2 is a joke, they're getting nothing extra just causing problems for other racers and organisers.

It's difficult to turn down money (entry fees) but I think they should limit the field size and be stricter on those that don't pull out when told (John is very clear about it), bar them from the next race say.
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby kieran » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:52 pm

I think someone should alert the scorers to their errors !
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby kieran » Wed Jun 03, 2009 12:58 pm

[quote="-Adam-"]Although pretty much all of what I heard and saw could probably have been avoided if dropped and lapped riders were pulled out as soon as they were out of contention.

This is what happens in Europe, and would make the racing much safer I think.

I agree, last year at one race we caught up with the lapped riders at the final sprint and the scorers mixed us all up so lapped riders got placings ahead of those who didn't get lapped. Problem is the 3/4 field is so big and strung out that judges rely on the riders to do the right thing and pull out prior to the sprint but sadly not all do.

Also, causes pinch points, as a few times the bunch had to avoid dropped riders who seemed to be wandering around the track in a world of their own. I know most dropped riders are sensible and stick to the sides but some don't.

Also maybe the local clubs should get together and buy a camera for the finish?
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June

Postby kieran » Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:24 pm

er, but think of the guy who's points you are taking! Where is Steve B in that list ?? As pointed out earlier last year my points were awarded to a lapped rider, and I waited from them to alert the judges, never happened, and we gave them a lot of flak on this website.
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Re: Crystal Palace 2nd June + Photos

Postby ThePinkDreamMachine » Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:06 pm

sylv just found these



check out the full set here.. ... 103217923/
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