CR - 4th July '09

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CR - 4th July '09

Postby Keith » Sun Jul 05, 2009 7:23 am

What's happened to the Club Run reports recently? Didn't anyone have a good time in the sunshine?

    Special guest appearance in the Training Group this week from Paul I's rather nice looking new Wilier.


    Ant was "walking wounded" at the cafe, following a fall :shock: . Hope the grazes heal up soon.

    Rather than Box Hill or peeling off for Hurst Green, I rode back to CSS for a change. Thanks to The Shadow for the company. Great fun :D .
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Marek » Sun Jul 05, 2009 9:46 am

I went down to Brighton via Ashdown Forest with a couple of buddies. Weather was great for the ride down but started to cloud over whilst having our full English breakfasts. Hard ride back partly to do me not noticing that my brakes were jammed against my backwheel, explains why i was struggling to keep up. :roll:


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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Antloony » Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:04 am

[quote="Keith"]Ant was "walking wounded" at the cafe, following a fall :shock: . Hope the grazes heal up soon.

Thanks Keith. Nothing to serious, just loads of road rash all down my right arm, back and right arse cheek plus few small cuts and grazes to my right fore arm and hand. Thanks to all those that stayed with me and helped out and patched me up at the cafe. Still had a good hard run back home which helped keep the pain at bay till I walked through the door. No doubt be sore for a few days but least I can just stay at home and watch the tour live :D Every cloud and all that...though the biggest thing I'm naffed off about is I'd only just re-done my bar tape :lol:

Besides that had a nice easy run out with the 18s. Only just made it to CSS in time to join them having over slept though thats not suprising as I didn't get home till 5.30am. Bit of shouting going up the Reigate steps between AJ and a 4X4 driver but when people are riding 3 abreast up there then its going to piss people off esp when they're over taking us. We get enough bad press at times as it is, riding like this just adds fuel to the fire, just think we need to be a little bit more carefull out there at times as to what knock on effect our actions could have. Supprisingly though the 4X4 driver didn't take up AJ's offer to stop and tell us what he thought of us. :lol:

Hope to be out next week so fingers crossed I'm healed up enough.
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Rob W » Sun Jul 05, 2009 11:38 am

Thanks Keith for the text to see if i was ok Saturday afternoon.My club run was a bit of a bad one.Ive had a bad chest all week lots of coughing and a snotty nose.Should have set off with the 18s for an easy ride.But no had to go with the training group,ego took over on that decision.The chest had ,i thought got much better.Well on the steps i started to feel not so good but chased back on and dug in.I got up into the woods and that was it off they all went with me left coughing and spluttering.Cheers Serge for seeing if i was ok.But the effort was to much and as soon as i took it easy everything felt better.So i turned around and went of home.Hopfully better luck next time.
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Stu Merckx Man » Sun Jul 05, 2009 1:26 pm

Good TG ride. people have been coming on leaps and bounds. paul made his third recce into the training group, and on his new bike, he put in some strong turns before newdigate, and only seemed to suffer as we got near charlswood and we all went ballistic. Aussie rich seamed a lot stronger. the last 2 weeks he got dropped just before the through and off, but this week he was putting in some seriously strong turns on the front and never looked to be in trouble, and had enough left in the tank to fight it out at the sprint.

i personally didnt feel so good on the way out, and let Kieth do most of the work, hes going super strong at the moment, and won the sprint convincingly.

went back the boxhill way and felt much better, and was in the mood to hurt myself, so did as much as i could on the front. up boxhill and soon it was just me and serge, and we set off to 'embarrass' the people we past on the way up. we stayed together all the way to the top where serge gave me the victory just after the last hairpin.

we stopped for a bit at the top, and had a funny altercation with some t0sser who wanted to take big simon to court for calling him names when he cut simon up.

good blast back to coulsdon.
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Antloony » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:50 am


Thats my backside...not a pretty sight at the best of times :shock: but I think the road rash is done quite tastefully.


My arm. Handy tip, never fall off where the council have just laid lovely fresh pea sized grit as it makes bloody great holes in your arm. :D


My forearm...yes looks like my knee but Ive got popeye forearms...Im a freak.

I've covered the wounds on my arms with hydrocolloid dressings, they stop the wound from drying out and forming a scab promoting faster healing and less scar tissue. They look a bit disgusting but seem to be doing the job. Anyone else used this type of dressing?
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Ivor » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:53 am

[quote="Antloony"] They look a bit disgusting but seem to be doing the job. Anyone else used this type of dressing?

yup, they're amazing. I've got an industrial sized bag of them just in case. er...touch wood.. touch wood.
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Snoop Doug » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:02 am

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"]Jesus! Attach a warning please. I very nearly opened that image at work :oops:

Yay!! Let's have an ar5e based road rash comp!! :twisted: :roll:
Snoop Doug

Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Antloony » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:05 am

[quote="Sean Hogan - 何祥"]Jesus! Attach a warning please. I very nearly opened that image at work :oops:

At least I can get my ar5e pic on a normal monitor without having to use a wide screen one :lol:
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Re: CR - 4th July '09

Postby Paulos Fandangos » Tue Jul 07, 2009 10:09 am

Had a good ride out with the Training Group, not too shabby, everyone taking a turn, brutal in places but all in all a good one. Everyone was looking strong, even Rob with his chest infection (every now and then I'd hear a cough from behind) rode out with us until Rusper.

T&O was smoother than the last few wks, and I was going well until Keith put the power down off the r'bout up to the lights. We all dig deep to stay on. After a re-group, re-shuffle, and a scare on the r'bout up Charlwood Road we were heading for the sprint. I'm starting to feel this one a bit so I drop off thinking I may be cooked. However, I managed to get back on for the lead out. Keith, Rich and Stu were sprinting it out. Congrats Keith. I cruised home just behind in 4th.

Up and over to Box Hill was much of the same. Took one of two turns on the front before settling down for the hill. Unfortunately the ride had taken its toll over the day and I couldn't hang onto an impressive pace set by Stu and Serge climbing Box. After we had refueled at the top, and had enough of arguing with an impatient driver we decided to move on. I was feeling a little tired. Some gear problems (new cables) left me behind and was playing catch-up. Nice as the guys were, they waited further up the road, by which time I was well cooked. I think I lasted another half mile. By the time I got home, dodging a few raindrops I'd ridden a decent 60miles. Cheers to all the guys in the group, myself and the new bike will definitely be back. Watch this space....keep watching....still...

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