Serious crash on Holmwood 10 (G10/42)

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Serious crash on Holmwood 10 (G10/42)

Postby Mulberry » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:47 pm

I thought you guys should know that there was a nasty crash last Thursday in the Redmon's evening 10 on the Holmwood course G10/42 which is regularly used by Addiscombe.

Martin Snow was hit from behind by a car. I spoke to him this morning and he's out of hospital and OK but not great. From what he can remember he overtook another rider near the Capel bypass and after or just before he passed him he was hit in the side by a speeding black BMW. He's broken his ankle, and got bruises etc plus concussion - he was out for 15-20 mins. He was wearing an old style helmet I believe. Witnesses said there were 3 cars possibly racing each other and Martin saw one speed past him v fast before he went to overtake. The car didn't stop, but they think they got the reg. Obviousy police are involved and hopefully they'll catch him - the car also lost a wing mirror at the scene.

It sounds to me as if Martin is lucky to be alive after that crash. He is an experienced racer and knows what he's doing in a TT. Obviously I would urge you all to take extra care in the TTs especially on dual carriageways. I am certainly more likely to use a rear LED in future myself as that can help make you more visible. As well as Martin's crash on this course I also recall that one of the ACC was hit on the G10/42 a few years ago and lost an eye. That is one of the reasons why most of the Paragon stopped using the G10/42 as a club 10. I know that Addiscombe wants to use this coures for next year's interclub but you may want to bear this in mind.

Take care out there and ride safely!


PS - if any of you are riding on or around A24 and you see a black BMW with a missing wing mirror please try to notify the reg no. Chances are this car drives regularly along that road.
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Re: Serious crash on Holmwood 10 (G10/42)

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jul 27, 2009 12:55 pm

Sad to hear Marcus and my sympathies are with Martin.

I don't think the road can be to blame for an accident where idiots are racing their cars on the public road though, you can't account for that anywhere. I've charged up and down a number of dual carriageways in TTs and would say that is one of the safest I've been on, and safer than a number of Sporting courses too. Traffic flow is generally fairly light and it's a straight out and back with only one roundabout to go straight over.
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Re: Serious crash on Holmwood 10 (G10/42)

Postby Mulberry » Mon Jul 27, 2009 2:50 pm

Sean and Andy I agree that the G10/42 is certainly safer than a lot of other courses. I just thought it was wise to make you guys aware and remind people to take care on those fast raods where the cars can quite legally do 70mph and will often hit 80+.

As I said it's made me think about the rear LED thing which I've rarely done before. I have also noticed a lot of riders overtaking in TTs without looking back at all. In the bid to stay aero you can be taking quite a risk there plus you can hardly hear a thing with some aero-hats on.

I personally am happy racing on that course but I know that I'm in quite a small minority within our club and that's robably reflected within several other clubs.

Well done Andy on your 100 yest btw. Just completing a 100 is always achievement enough. I thought about that one, but am glad I didnt' cos it was so windy. I did a slow-ish 10 on Saturday instead and then a tempo ride out to Aflold = far more enjoyable.

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Re: Serious crash on Holmwood 10 (G10/42)

Postby Andrew G » Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:02 pm

Thanks Marcus but yesterday's performance makes me wish I'd done a slowish 10 instead :D .

I know what you're saying about the checking back though, I have noticed some (in fairness a very small minority) go for the speed at all costs route which seems a bit daft considering the prize - be it a PB or few quid. You don't really have to turn much either and it's only for a second.

On the Holmwood course the only bit I do account for is the sudden depression in the tarmac on the out leg just before the garage. I always quickly check behind so I can move out to the middle of the lane for a few metres as hitting it on tri-bars can be a bit hairy sometimes, and I'm not mad keen on smashing expensive wheels through it either.

On the LED front a lot of them you can't see in daylight once you're more than a few feet away, a few timekeepers have commented on this (I've got one that clips in to the back of my Fizik saddle which falls in to this category :roll: ). From the TT forum, if you want to use a rear light, the fav seems to be the Smart1/2 watt jobbie which is bright in daylight, cheap enough to be almost disposable, and easy to fit in an aero manner tucked up under the saddle zip tied to the rails. That's if you're going "naked" as it were, if you're carrying a spare tub or saddle pack then you can attach it to that anyway.

Mind you it's a sad day if it is felt that we should have to have a flashing light on in daylight to see you, personally I tend to feel that you're seen or the driver is paying so little attention to the road (or doesn't care) that you could have a flashing blue light on your head for all the good it would do.

Sad news as this tale from the Redmon is accidents are actually a very rare occurrence if a cyclist is riding properly, whether racing or not.
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Re: Serious crash on Holmwood 10 (G10/42)

Postby ThePinkDreamMachine » Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:32 pm

This is awful news and being out for 15mins is a long time. I’m very pleased to hear he is out of hospital.
Michelle and I had his company when marshalling one day and he entertained us with some truly awful jokes

send him our love Marcus
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