CR - 8th August 09

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CR - 8th August 09

Postby Keith » Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:25 pm

We seem to have lost the habit of putting regular Club Run reports on the Forum, so I'll start the ball rolling this week.

We had a new guy out with us in the Training Group today. Not sure I caught his name correctly, but I think it was something like Toks. He seemed to be able to ride alright though. Hopfully he'll want to come back again soon. :wink:
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Michelle » Sat Aug 08, 2009 4:24 pm

Well come on you lot, I am living my cycling life through the internet and TV at the moment. Since the Tour finished I have been relying on the Forum......lets have your reports :roll:
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Stephanie » Sat Aug 08, 2009 6:16 pm

[quote="Keith"]We had a new guy out with us in the Training Group today. Not sure I caught his name correctly, but I think it was something like Toks. He seemed to be able to ride alright though. Hopefully he'll want to come back again soon. :wink:
:lol: Cheers Keith. After 3/4 botched attempts I'd finally made it on time for training group ride. 8) I'd read somewhere that averages of 24 mph were not unusual. :shock: Obviously people must be NOT! -the only time the speedo dipped under 23/4mph was when we were canning it up one of the drags. In short dudes it was a very very fast ride. I can't think of any 2/3 races this year that caused me as much pain. There was no hiding in big bunch no Sir! Upfront Keith, Sylv and Paul H were absolutely drilling it so we were all lined out most of the time. Wal also took some good turns alongside myself,Stu and Steve B. :wink: I think we had about 15 guys from the start but a very naughty man on a TT bike set thing on fire when we left CSS and by the time we'd turned off near the petrol station before the three lumps quite a few had been blown off the back. The dual carriage way thru and off was surprisingly steady but once of the dual carriage the pace was kept high so attacks were nigh on impossible. Wal tried his luck with less than a mile to go but his jump got jumped on by 6 or 7 bloke looking to do a "Cavendish". Someone got it by a whisker - Sylv or Steve, I'm not sure

Rumour had it or at least Stu said the pace to Box Hill would be "steady". Yeah Right! The the torture twins Keith and Paul set about things at race pace. Things kinda eased up for while when Paul went back to retrieve a a dropped bottle cover so Keith rode tempo a few metres ahead of the group. Once his partner in crime returned the pace soared and I towed must of the group back up to their wheels just in case we never saw them again. After a few miles the pace eased and I even managed to have a few words with John Hemming and Simon. The Box Hill climb for me was a steady affair and I rode up alongside Keith while ahead Stu and still further ahead Wal and Paul surged away. The ride back through Chipstead was sprightly but not quite as painful. I eventually chilled out in the new cafe back in Coulsdon with Monty and we chewed the fat on women's kit, new club kits, Majorca etc while I waited for Steph arrive. A fantastic ride - big thank to all of y'all. :D Have a good Sunday, hope to see you next sat :D
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Roy Green » Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:06 pm

If you're finding the pace a bit breath-catching, Stephanie, you should try the real Agreeables group, with the other Steph and abou a dozen others. We clocked about 15-12mph average to Charlwood, ably conducted by Grahame the Taxi. A nice even pace, very good bunch riding conduct, and we were able to hear the birds and smell the flowers. :lol:
At Charlwood, a couple of the ladies suggested a 'normals' ride home via Box Hill. So we cut out the cafe stop there and went straight on, with Steph, Lorraine, Jill, Chris and self. Enjoyable pace again, though we were well and truly 'bombed' by lots of ACCs charging past at speed as we crossed the A25. A really good club turnout at the Box Hill cafe, too. At the Coulsdon start, I think one of the VCs had counted 87 present, with some still arriving. Sun certainly brings 'em out.
Michelle, I'm sure you'll be making a comeback before long. Make sure it is with our happy leisurely group! :)
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Michelle » Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:39 pm

Y'know Roy, I think my first foray back to the ACC will actually be in the J4Fun group! Looking forward to it :D
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Steve B » Sat Aug 08, 2009 11:30 pm

Last club run for me for a while, off on hols tomorrow. Training group set off from Coulsdon as a big group of about 15 or so, but quickly became 10 or even less by the time we'd reached the Mway turnoff due to George riding at over 30mph on his TT bike with everyone else chewing bar tape, and more, behind. Now I'm not one to moan, usually, but I don't think this should have happened, its supposed to be a training group not a rip everyones legs off as quickly as possible group. How do we expect guys to try and move up in to the training group when they hear of things like this happening. Some from the TG might even move down a group for fear of it happening again. I'm not blaming George for doing what he did, there's no rules to say TT bikes aren't allowed, and I don't blame everyone for chasing him. As Keith said " there was a wheel to catch", and that's what happened, everyone tried to catch it, with the unfortunate sods at the back not managing to get on the train travelling at over 30 :shock:. Moan over.

After George turned back after the steps the pace obviously eased back a touch, but the effort to stay in the group was almost the same. The guys doing the work at the front were super strong and there was no way I could contribute for fear of exiting out the back door straight after. I did manage one pull on the front though, up through the trees dragging the group up to Wal, who had made a break for it. Stu shouted some encouragment which spurred me on to bury myself for the cause :wink: . I felt pretty cooked after that but stayed with the group, just. Thru&off was good, but my legs seemed tired. I had raced on tues and thurs and my old legs were starting to feel the strain, but I still won the sprint :D :D :D :wink:.

Great blast up and over the Merstham on the way home. My legs will be glad of the rest now,

See you anon

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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Antloony » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:53 am

Steve, your comments about crazy chicken legs George rolling up on his TT bike are bang on. I got held up in traffic by a slower rider, by the time I got round him there was now way I could get back on to the back of the group, a total useless exercise. Shame as I felt better than I've done for the last 3 weeks. Paul H told me George is now banned from using his TT bike on the club runs :lol:

Ended up in the 19's, nothing exciting happened really, usual stuff, Serge putting in an attack through the trees up to Rusper. Just sat on his wheel with Lockey till Dave K came past so grabbed his wheel till we reached the top. Not a lot more to report, thru and off wasn't the best, was quite a large group though and the traffic at the roundabouts caused the group to split a couple of times.

As for the sprint, what a joke. Such a difference from one week to the next. Last week was so good, I lead 2 of the clubs most experienced sprinters out, Steve B and Adam, so they could do battle to the line. Thought I'd take part in the sprint this week, what a mistake. Riders everywhere who know they have no chance yet still insist on trying to ride at the front and getting in the way. Yes I know its only a bit of fun at the end of the day but it should be safe fun. Yesterday was a shambles and its bordering on dangerous, there will be one almighty crash soon, can see it coming. If you havent the legs or the speed to stay up the front then please stay out of the way and stop being a danger to other people.

Steady ride back to BH, caught up with Mr :mrgreen: senior half way up and had a nice chin wag, thanks. Quick blast home as usual as the legs were feeling good today. Really need to spend more time on the bilke though, once a week just ain't enough.
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby George » Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:21 pm

All you guys had to do was hold on to the wheel till Reigate, it was a good bit of speedwork for the group I'd say :wink:
Don't worry I won't be out on my TT bike in the training group next week!
I'll be out on the tandem instead :lol:
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Sylv » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:04 pm

[quote="Michelle"]Well come on you lot, I am living my cycling life through the internet and TV at the moment. Since the Tour finished I have been relying on the Forum......lets have your reports :roll:

Ok here's another one for you Michelle :D

Well that was fun! More fun in fact that some of the races I've done lately :wink:
The start with George - ah come on people stop moaning. I thought it was good fun. Once we had dropped him, the attacking began, for my part on everything that resembled an incline :lol: . The group was big and strong this week so on the longer runs I knew it was better to leave it late than to attack early or I would stand no chance, such as on the Reigate steps or the Rusper hills, on both of which the biggest challenge coming from Wal (Mike) who confessed to not having been on a clubrun for two years, a date he could easily remember as last time he had to rush home as his wife was expecting his daughter!

On said Rusper hills (after Keith sacrificed himself at the front before the final hill) I knew Paul would carry his speed at the top so I jumped onto Wal's wheel and let him chase Paul, to jump ahead of Paul just before the Rusper sign, which he probably wasn't expecting. By then I was pretty cooked though whereas Paul carried on with Wal on his wheel, I waited for Stu and we gave chase, later joined by the rest of the group, but never quite made contact again before the dual carriageway, Paul feeling very smug with himself and asking whether we'd punctured.

The through and off was for once diligently carried on till the late stages, when it was Wal's turn at the front and he was left there to fry. There was only one wheel to be onto this day, and I was determined to be on it :lol: but where the hell was the Shadow, I was about 4th down and he was even further back :shock: . Ah the joys of being a sprinter. Soon enough Steve moved up onto Keith's wheel, and I slipped into Shadow's wheel. After Keith had exerted himself Shadow kicked and I followed suite, leaving it to the last few meters to try and jump above, but to no avail, by about a wheel, though I don't know what Shadow still had left in the tank at that stage :?: .

Plans to leave early via the short (boring) route back were soon dismissed whilst sitting in the sun :lol: and on the way to Box Hill I decided to have a crack at timing myself properly up the hill so didn't even come close to the front of the bunch (which was motoring), and let the group go ahead as we approached the hills near Dorking. I had about 700ml of energy drink and trying to work out with Wiggo's formula that it would cost me about 7 seconds I was hoping that an agreeable would come up and that I could offload my bottle into their cage for the climb :lol: but it wasn't to be.

We usually ride the climb as a group so don't start flat out right from the bottom which took a bit of getting used to, it's quite steep at the bottom, then I usually click down a gear after the first hairpin but this time I didn't and I think I should have as I was spinning a bit and HR a bit too high, I only did it after the second hairpin **. It felt hard but I wasn't dying which is really what a 5-6 min all-out
effort should feel like, still I felt quite fast, but was only 6.10 to the top, av power 342w, av speed 24.29km/h. Ok so what was Contador's speed, more than 25 wasn't it, on a 10% grade, whereas Box is 5.5%, and it 2.5km whereas Verbier was 8km, they'd done 200km whereas etc .. :roll:

I had two hard races this week and went for my first (gentle) run for a month and a half the previous day, but I think I still would have a hard time to beat 6 minutes at the best of times.
After a rest we got going again. I always find the drag painful in the legs after a break but dug through the pain and put a long turn at the front, oops after that me, Paul and the guy with the bumbag (I don't even know his name! super strong!!) had dropped the rest of the group. We carried on very fast till the red lights at the roundabout where the rest of the group caught up. From there it was the usual chase all the way to Coulsdon, then a 7.5km warm down spin to home.

**367w for 1"44
312w for 1"13
335w for 2.23
363w for 0"50
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Ivor » Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:14 pm

[quote="Antloony"]Paul H told me George is now banned from using his TT bike on the club runs :lol:

that seems a bit harsh, after all... it is the training group. and if someone's daft enough to try and keep up. :D
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Toks » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:01 pm

[quote="Sylv"][ oops after that me, Paul and the guy with the bumbag (I don't even know his name! super strong!!) had dropped the rest of the group. We carried on very fast till the red lights at the roundabout where the rest of the group caught up.
:lol: we were just having a nice sociable chat and you guys blasted away. A nice hard 2 up and Simon and me got back on - miles before the traffic lights I might add :wink: The guy with the bum bag and bib shorts outside his cycling top :shock: was Joe. A good ride you were looking uber strong Sylv. 8) By the way, why don't the training group keep things together at the start of the A23 drag until we pass that last set of lights near the petrol station then at least nobody will get caught out by the lights.
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Sylv » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:04 pm

[quote="Toks"]By the way, why don't the training group keep things together at the start of the A23 drag until we pass that last set of lights near the petrol station then at least nobody will get caught out by the lights.

That would spoil Paul and mine average wattage :lol:

A more valid point would be to try and not weave through traffic when in a group at red lights but to just wait behind the cars to give a chance to everyone to regroup :wink:
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Toks » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:17 pm

At least when I get to red lights in a group I don't weave through the traffic I just wait behind the cars to give a chance to everyone to regroup eh :wink:
My bad, I haven't ridden with a group for 4 weeks. I blame London commuters on 'sit up and begs' :wink:
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Sylv » Sun Aug 09, 2009 9:18 pm

Ha I had rephrased it in the meantime :wink: :wink:

I know it's a hard habit to break when you do it on a daily basis!
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Re: CR - 8th August 09

Postby Michelle » Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:04 pm

Thanks guys. Great write-ups, that's a bit more like it!
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