Club Run 15th August

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Club Run 15th August

Postby Andrew G » Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:23 pm

A shame the sun didn't come out properly this morning so it was a bit muggy, but an enjoyable club run for me.

Went in the 19s and had a good ride out, Ant riding well in to the wind doing more than his fair share. People seemed to be happy with the speed and the way we were going, so there wasn't much in the way of true rotations all the time and more a case of people slipping in to gaps and riding at the front as and when they wanted to and felt strong. We collected Rob R-E on the way who tagged on and then turned off with Dom for the cafe at Partridge. The pace was good all the way and picked up a bit on the run in towards Rusper so we averaged about 20mph by the cafe. I can rarely be bothered with the through and off, riding up dual carriageways enough when I'm racing, so turned off at Lamb's Green and had a good fast run in to the cafe with Lockey and AN Other (sorry don't know your name).

Nice chat with Jim and others in the cafe to the accompaniment of a cuppa and a bacon sarnie.

Back via Box Hill and had a nice fast run there with Rob, Marek, Marek's mate (very strong), Ben and a number of others. Great fun barreling along at speed until Box Hill where I slipped it in reverse as usual. It's not very steep and not that long but Box Hill's always a bit of a nuisance for me :? . I just find it a bit draggy and almost always struggle to find a decent rhythm on it, I always go up it better in the winter on fixed.

Quick breather at the top and then off, said ta ta to Marek and his friend at the roundabout so they could cut back to Walton on the hill for a pint and a bite to eat. Then the usual blast back through Chipstead Valley to Coulsdon and the spin to Croydon.

A very enjoyable ride today. 8)
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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Gavin » Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:36 pm

First time in the Training Group since 2006.

It all started quite well George setting a slow tempo and getting caught in traffic about 10-12 in the group.

Then the hoards were unleashed and the rocket fuel was lit and we were off as full throttle to the three humps.

Seemed to me a little sedate going over the 3 humps but as soon as the thought entered my mind the attacks began and I was gasping for breath as we cusped the top.

We had an altercation with a non signalling car which took one of our riders over the top of his bike. A few cuts and bruises I think but rider was more annoyed than injured. Car driver apologised lets hope he learns to signal.

Slightly longer route to newdigate and we ended coming up the steep hill you usually go down on the way to box hill. This caught one of the chaps by surprise he seemed to stop dead as everyone went passed him. Fairly sedate up to the golf course as George went on the front. No one was going to put the hammer down because of the hill at rusper. This split the group up a lot only about 6 made it over the top together.

We passed another addiscombe group on the descent from rusper and picked up a young chap (I think his name is Paul). Well he was fresh anyway.

Stopped before the DC and the group behind was there too. I think there was some swapping going on but I decided to stick with the front group. Couldn't come past on the through and off as I was just managing to hold on. I got held up at a roundabout but Marek and the bloke who come off waiting for me and we were on the chase of the 3 in front.

Got to the cafe in one piece and just behind a slightly subdued sprint as there was lots of traffic.

Happy to not get dropped which makes a changed from 2006.

Thanks for the ride TG

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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Antloony » Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:34 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]A shame the sun didn't come out properly this morning so it was a bit muggy, but an enjoyable club run for me.

Went in the 19s and had a good ride out, Ant riding well in to the wind doing more than his fair share.

Yep a good mornings ride today with the 19's, enjoyed myself. Felt quite strong today, better than I've done in a while, legs seemed to be working really well. Spent a fair amount of time on the front into the wind but never caused me a problem, just kept a good pace and spun a low gear which seemed to help. Had a few fun and games on the way, run up to Rusper was again a quick one, Mr :mrgreen: going along nicely and setting the pace till I attacked bringing Lockey and young Paul, who was looking splendid in all his new ACC kit perched on his shiney new bike :D . Had to dig in a bit to shake them off my wheel but finally they caved in and gave up.

T&O was great today, nice tail wind kept the pace high and the standard of riding was great and we kept going all the way through the lanes just before the last few bends before the sprint. Having been a bit vocal last week about some shocking riding in the sprint I wasn't going to let anyone get in my way this week :twisted: so positioned myself 3rd in line behind shiney young Paul and his shiney new kit. Went past him on the bends, looked around and just hit the gas, came off the last wheel and just hammered it towards line, looked behind me and wondered where everyone had gone. I hit the brakes and slowed down teasing Paul as he came up to the line by letting him think I'd blown up :lol: . I just sneaked over the line before him which gave us both a good laugh, cheers dude :D

No BH for me today so was a quick run home. Pace was sedate to the church where we re-grouped as per. Got going again after a very short rest and shortly after the attacks started up the drag....and they came again and again....never ridden so hard up there before but felt good, Paul H finally got away with myself in hot pursuit which made it a very quick blast back to CSS, I got caught by George and co but still kept going and managed to drop George :shock: who was having a shocker in the saddle today.

All in all a good strong ride, knee felt a bit tender which put me off going with the TG but didn't really hold me back once I got going in the 19's.

Cheers all :D
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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Marek » Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:30 pm

My Wales ride didn't pan out so decided to go on the club run and bring Matt along. Matt is the rider who always beats me on the Tour of Kent, he also now works literally across from the desk from me, so others around us get to listen to cycle babble all day long. :lol:

Not the best start today, got to CSS and realised that I had managed to put my new chain on incorrectly, a quick change, much to the amusement of Paul Ingram.

The pace out of CSS was manageable today as there was a fair bit of traffic and quite a nasty headwind which actually kept the speed down for most of the ride. Paul H and George were a bit more subdued than usual which was good as I was not feeling too chipper today. The Reigate steps started off reasonably paced then Rob W started to wind it up and then I put in an attack to get over the top. Through Reigate and at the left turn by the green Matt nearly got taken out by a car that decided to make a rather strange move that caught him out, he went over his bars due to heavy braking. No damage done thankfully, although Matt was a bit annoyed, I thought he was going to lamp the driver at one point. :shock:

We then got going again and George led us onto a slightly different route, some good strong riders in the group, but when Matt went on the front it was noticeable how quick he was, darn I will need to do some training to keep up with him in the Tour of Kent this year. On the dual carriageway and the pace was pretty tough going, Gavin was not going through, but have to admit I missed a couple of turns as I was really starting to feel the earlier efforts. Rob W won the sprint uncontested as there were a load of cars bearing down on us and it was not worth going for it. But a win is a win, so well done Rob.

After a cuppa and some cake and a chat about Northern Steves new bike, you will not believe the cost of the thing, we headed out to Box Hill. Was a good ride out, Andrew Green putting in some good turns on the front along with Rob and Matt. On Box Hill and Matt, Rob and another young guy I don't know took off. Andrew G literally went backwards, I tried to keep up with the fast guys but they had a bit of a gap on me and I could not close it down. Good run back down to Walton on the Hill where Matt and I turned off and ended up in the Spaghetti Restaurant. Was very good, nice bottle of Peroni, Sardines, Pizza, bottle of water and Cappucino for £20 each. Not bad.


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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Paulos Fandangos » Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:18 pm

A very enjoyable run out to Charlwood this week, my first club run for nearly a month and with 2 weeks off the bike I was pleased be back with the agreeables and don my shiny new Addiscombe kit, which turned a few heads: Jealousy is such an ugly emotion 8) :lol:
I was umming and erring about joining the TG again this week, but I bottled it and settled for the 19's.

A good pace was set by Ant and Mr :mrgreen: , with the odd rider taking their turn. At this point I was sitting in comfortably and glad I wasn't in the training group as I probably would have been out the back, feeling sluggish. As we rolled through Reigate and into the lanes I felt more lively and came to the front. Warm-up over I lent a hand at the front and waited to see who would move on the Rusper steps. Sure enough a rise in the pace came and the group strung out. Ant, Locky and Mr :mrgreen: were going strong at the front and I latched on behind. Then Ant decided he would stretch his legs, and Locky and myself followed in hot pursuit. We crested the top with Locky just behind, the following pack no where to be seen.

We coasted through Rusper towards Lambs green still waiting to be caught. All of a sudden a speeding train of 6 riders came past, and thinking this was the 19's with a new lease of life I jump on! I soon realised this was the training group and decided to roll with it. Up the drag towards Faygate and the pace was good, but Marek wanted to go faster and jumped out of his saddle and up the hill. The group split and I followed Marek and his mate over the hill to re-group before the T&O.

Not wanting to crash the party, I rejoined the 19's for a good T&O. Very smooth on the way out, and a lovely tail wind pushing us along up the carriageway. We held the group together right up until the sprint. Ant clearly had his eye on this one and a good lead out saw him on his way. I was about to make a move when he came round! I think the rider in front of me went to chase but then decided not to, leaving me to squeeze between two riders to give chase. I had good legs and when Ant slowed up I thought he had blown. Nope. He looked round to see me steaming along and gave one last push to take the win. :x haha teasing me all the way!!

As for the ride back, I gave BH a miss, and had a jolly ride back with Marky Mark, Chloe and the hangover group. Mark was cheery and clearly eager to get (back) to the pub! and set about entertaining the group while we cruised home. :wink: All good fun. Also good to see Michelle at the Cafe as well.
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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby John Czernobay » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:06 pm

What a beautiful Saturday. With only five of us in the Super Elite 15's I feel my work here is almost done :D . It's great to see so many Newbees stepping up to the other groups, well done too you all and like so many things in life it's not so difficult after all especially when you are with the Agreeables. :) .

On the way the down to Charlewood with Lucy, Tony, Ian and Graham (great to see you matey and don't leave it to long) had a great ride out taking in some extra "loops" along the way so as to arrive at Charlewood just in time to walk straight in for tea and cake.........marvellous. Helped out a cyclist who have fallen off at a junction and nearly ended up under a Mercedes Benz, a few cuts and damaged pride :oops: he seemed okay but he didn't want any help or join us so that was that.

Started back with the Pace Car (nice one Michelle) :) and Team Tequila Gold (the hangover group) for a lovely run back. Nice one RobH :D good man, thanks for waiting for us it was great run back after two weeks off the bike. :D .

Agreeable wishes.
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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Robh » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:15 pm

[quote="John Czernobay"] Nice one RobH :D good man, thanks for waiting for us it was great run back after two weeks off the bike. :D .

Agreeable wishes.

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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Rob Q » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:27 pm

[quote="Robh"][quote="John Czernobay"] Nice one RobH :D good man, thanks for waiting for us it was great run back after two weeks off the bike. :D .

Agreeable wishes.

Wasn't me John..

I think twas me John ;-)

Went out with the last group of 17’s after being delayed by the first group of 17’s and Grahame’s war and peace safety brief. :shock: Led by Tim Coales, we had a very sociable average up until Rusper golf course. Tim decided to take the short route with one or two who were falling back ( they had stepped up from John’s group) so well done and look forward to seeing you again.
The pace was ramped up heading towards the café and we caught Alan M on his tod who got on the front with Marky Mark and both did a sterling job taking us up to the sprint.
I am gutted to say that Marky Mark pipped me again for the honours and has pushed me into 2nd 3 times now :oops: . Got to work on my sprints…Got to work on my sprints. :lol:

Joined the hangover group on the return leg, and enjoyed chatting to Chloe about her new job and how much tequila she drank the night before. :lol:
The group broke up going the Merstham drag and a good blast back into Coulsdon for a chin wag with Jane, Steve, John C, Mo and a few others (Sorry cant remember all the names)

Another great day out and see you all Saturday
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Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Snoop Doug » Mon Aug 17, 2009 3:56 pm

[quote="John Czernobay"]What a beautiful Saturday. With only five of us in the Super Elite 15's I feel my work here is almost done :D . It's great to see so many Newbees stepping up to the other groups, well done too you all and like so many things in life it's not so difficult after all especially when you are with the Agreeables. :) .

Agreeable wishes.

John - it's a permanent post, you can never leave there'd be a mutiny, we won't let you. And neither will the latest addition of new folk, then the next, then the next, then the next.....get the picture? Good work 8)
Snoop Doug

Re: Club Run 15th August

Postby Marky Mark » Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:51 pm

[quote="Rob Quinn"][quote="Robh"][quote="John Czernobay"] Nice one RobH :D good man, thanks for waiting for us it was great run back after two weeks off the bike. :D .

Agreeable wishes.

Wasn't me John..

I think twas me John ;-)

Went out with the last group of 17’s after being delayed by the first group of 17’s and Grahame’s war and peace safety brief. :shock: Led by Tim Coales, we had a very sociable average up until Rusper golf course. Tim decided to take the short route with one or two who were falling back ( they had stepped up from John’s group) so well done and look forward to seeing you again.
The pace was ramped up heading towards the café and we caught Alan M on his tod who got on the front with Marky Mark and both did a sterling job taking us up to the sprint.
I am gutted to say that Marky Mark pipped me again for the honours and has pushed me into 2nd 3 times now :oops: . Got to work on my sprints…Got to work on my sprints. :lol:

Joined the hangover group on the return leg, and enjoyed chatting to Chloe about her new job and how much tequila she drank the night before. :lol:
The group broke up going the Merstham drag and a good blast back into Coulsdon for a chin wag with Jane, Steve, John C, Mo and a few others (Sorry cant remember all the names)

Another great day out and see you all Saturday

That was indeed a ride to remember, Agreeable being the key word for that day and the key to the the sprint Rob is a banging hangover.
The unspent alcohol in the bloodstream must act as fuel!!!! :wink:

Hope to see you all again on the CR this weekend.

Marky Mark :D
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