Folks, it's nearly time for our August Crystal Palace event (Tue 25 Aug) this is the usual plea for volunteers please. This is a nice one to get your marshalling duty done on....sensible start time (6.30pm), easy to get to (Crystal Palace) and a chance of some decent weather (don't hold me to that!).
So far we've got Andrew Green, Hal Bransby, Iain McIntosh, Serena Stracey, John Moore, Terry Taylor and Chloe Thomas.
Could do with half a dozen more please. I've got a vague memory of a few other folk who put their names down ages ago on one of Snoop's earlier marshalling posts (Andy E, Sean H, Marky Mark, Mr Green senior?). Could you let me know if I've recalled correctly and if you can still do it - apologies if I've misremembered!
If anyone else can help please post here or drop me a pm.
Ta v much.
ps - rather embarassingly, having signed up to organise marshals for this one, I've now got to work in Birmingham that day so won't be able to get to the racing on time. Thankfully Mr has kindly stepped in to be your contact on the day.