Bye Ibbo!

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Bye Ibbo!

Postby David Lombari » Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:38 am

Although never an enjoyable occasion, I thought John?s funeral ceremony was a very dignified way to say goodbye. Dan, Neil and Steve did a great job of talking about their memories of John, as it must have been the hardest thing to do. Well done guys!

The ride the next day was superb, a perfect way to celebrate everything that is good about cycling: good weather, chatting to friends, meeting new people and stopping for the ?occasional? treat and coffee. John would?ve loved it.

For the record???.

7.40 2 miles: Coffee?...???Crystal Palace
9.30 18 miles: Cakes?????.Box Hill
10.45 28 miles: Tea and Cake??.Fannys
11.45 36 miles: Coffee?????Coulsden
1.00 45 miles: Coffee & Pastry?.Crystal Palace

The only thing that did kinda spoil it was some rider's attire, white bib longs are definately NOT bling......nor modest!
Cycling Weakly
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David Lombari
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