Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

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Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Dombo » Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:43 am

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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Alex P » Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:28 pm


I see that they have banned "Family Guy" in Venezuela because it promotes the use of marijuana. :shock: :shock: :shock:



Oh dear :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Dombo » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:03 pm

Dictatorships rarely exhibit a sense of humour, as my OP illustrates
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:11 am

Nope, didn't do it for me. I found it very much "6th form Tory" humour, snidey, and factually full of holes. Although to be fair, I did only watch a few seconds of it.

However, if you want a video which has a pop at Gordon, then this one is excellent imo. It is highly intelligent, extremely witty, and I hate to say it, delivered by a master in such things :

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Cj1b-rp1E]Gordon's EU Nightmare[/url]

I have say though, it's rather usual for ACC forum to have political threads, is it not ?
Last edited by Bo-Gilly on Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Mike I » Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:15 am

Stitch up my sides! Things would all have been so different had, say, George Osborne been Chancellor :roll: .

Mind you, any govenment which regards The Simpsons as a 'dysfunctional' rather than 'completely normal' might usefully take a closer look at real life.
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Dombo » Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:55 pm

[quote="Bo-Gilly"]Nope, didn't do it for me. I found it very much "6th form Tory" humour, snidey, and factually full of holes. Although to be fair, I did only watch a few seconds of it.

However, if you want a video which has a pop at Gordon, then this one is excellent imo. It is highly intelligent, extremely witty, and I hate to say it, delivered by a master in such things :

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Cj1b-rp1E]Gordon's EU Nightmare[/url]

I have say though, it's rather usual for ACC forum to have political threads, is it not ?

After only a few seconds you say it's factually full of holes....hmmm...which facts would those be?...do tell :D
Good link of yours though. William Hague is brilliant at the despatch box....best PM we never had....and as you say, a master in such things.
Not really a political thread, just an amusing viddy of an out-of-his-depth incompetent being made to look a tit. Footage of me at Hillingdon last week would be in similar vein.
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby George » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:07 pm

[quote="Dombo"] just an amusing viddy of an out-of-his-depth incompetent being made to look a tit. Footage of me at Hillingdon last week would be in similar vein.

Like it, Quote of the day!
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:17 pm

[quote]I see that they have banned "Family Guy" in Venezuela because it promotes the use of marijuana.

Family Guy hasn't been banned in Venezuela, despite the fact that the BBC (which also repeated false claims about Iraq before the war) has repeated these claims. One episode which was considered unsuitable for children was - we protect children too btw.

http://www.democraticunderground.com/di ... g_id=30682

It's worth rembering that in the Land of the Free some states ban the sale of dildos, and yes,
some even ban cartoons - let's invade and liberate them ! :D

[url=http://www.al.com/news/birminghamnews/metro.ssf?/base/news/1252743369276790.xml&coll=2]Alabama Supreme Court upholds sex toy ban[/url]

[url=http://bigeyedeer.wordpress.com/2007/03/03/this-cartoon-was-banned-in-utah/]This cartoon was banned in Utah[/url]
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sat Oct 03, 2009 9:30 pm

[quote]After only a few seconds you say it's factually full of holes....hmmm...which facts would those be?...do tell

Well I would have rather left it at that, and not laboured the point. But since you ask the question, then I think you deserve an answer.

Twenty seconds was enough for me. In those twenty seconds the subtitles stated as follows :

I am the cause of all this

This whole mess. It's fundamentally my fault. Really. Me.

It's the failure of my loose monetarist policy as Chancellor.

This disaster has been on the cards for years.

The interview is about the global recession. Gordon Brown is not responsible for the global recession. It is recognised the world over, that the global recession was caused when some major US financial institutions went tits up. The crises was not predicted by the the US treasury, nor the IMF, nor the World Bank, nor any other government in the world. And not even by the way, the Tory Party.

Now it could be argued that Britain should have been better prepared to deal with a global recession. But that is not the same as saying that the British government is responsible for the global recession. Furthermore Gordon Brown has been praised by other governments for his response to the crises. Indeed even the previous Conservative administration in the US took their cue of how to deal with the crises from Gordon Brown.

There is no doubt that Britain was particularly badly placed to deal with the global crises. But the reason for this is very clear, and has been publicly stated by the IMF. The IMF has said that recession will last longer in the UK because of the British economy's over reliance on the financial sector. Countries who's economies rely less on the finance sector, and more on manufacturing, will emerge quicker from recession.

Many have argued for a long time that it was a mistake to more away from manufacturing and to look to the finance industry for growth, and clearly Gordon Brown was wrong to ignore this. But this move away from manufacturing and into finance, did not start in the couple of years since Gordon Brown became PM. It started 30 years ago as result of deliberate government policy. The then Prime Minister promised us that this was were the future lay.

Gordon Brown is not blameless, but he is not responsible for the global recession. His guilt lies in the fact that he deluded himself in to believing that he could make the failed thatcherite experiment of deregulation and "the market always knows best" work.

[quote]Not really a political thread

The subject matter of this thread is an interview which Gordon Brown gave. Now I'm pretty sure that Gordon Brown is a politian. So this thread is about a politian giving an interview on contentious political issues, to a political commentator on a political programme. How much more political do you think it could be ?

So in the interests of impartiality and balance let's poke fun at the Tories, and see what their ball-gazing capabilities are like. This what the new and much loved Tory pin-up boy Dan Hannan had to say in oct 2004 :

"In the ten years that I have been travelling to Iceland, I have watched an economic miracle unfold there.”
“Today, Icelanders are absolutely rolling in it. A people two generations away from subsistence farming have become international tycoons.”

Three years later Iceland was bankrupt.......officially. And local authorities throughout Britain were owed £billions by Icelandic banks. So much for the "economic miracle" and business acumen of Gordon Brown's much vaulted nemesis.

But hey, let's have a hilarious video in keeping with the thread's topic. Here the darling of the Tory Party in a live interview is telling the American people that the British National Health Service makes people "iller" as he puts it, and has been a "failure" for 60 years. This is despite the fact that all opinion polls consistently show that the people he claims to represent, consider the NHS to be one of, if not the most, loved British institution.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiSPRkq28iU]Dan Hannan MEP rubbishes the NHS on Fox News[/url]

But enough about politics, let's talk about something that we can all agree on - cycling ! :D

Question : so how come Dark Side riders can't see the fun of "getting dirty with your bike" ? :wink:
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Dombo » Sun Oct 04, 2009 8:11 pm

The subject matter of this thread is an interview which Gordon Brown gave. Now I'm pretty sure that Gordon Brown is a politian. So this thread is about a politian giving an interview on contentious political issues, to a political commentator on a political programme. How much more political do you think it could be

I think you'll find Politian was a fifteenth century humanist, and is also the title of a play written by Poe :D .
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Bo-Gilly » Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:45 pm

[quote]I think you'll find Politian was a fifteenth century humanist

I'm sorry what's the point you're trying to make ?

Are you suggesting that not everyone is aware that Gordon Brown is an Italian classical poet ? ......How strange :?

In fact, I only originally knew Gordon Brown as a classical poet . You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that

he was also a politician :shock:
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Dombo » Mon Oct 05, 2009 9:41 am

[quote="Bo-Gilly"][quote]I think you'll find Politian was a fifteenth century humanist

I'm sorry what's the point you're trying to make ?

Are you suggesting that not everyone is aware that Gordon Brown is an Italian classical poet ? ......How strange :?

In fact, I only originally knew Gordon Brown as a classical poet . You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that

he was also a politician :shock:

Lost me there, mate. Too clever by half for the likes of me.
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Elliot M » Mon Oct 05, 2009 1:38 pm

Good post Bo-Gilly. Not too keen on GB or his policies but to blame him for the recession is ridiculous. As if the Tories were pushing for tighter regulation on the markets, and would have saved us all...
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Bo-Gilly » Mon Oct 05, 2009 2:18 pm

[quote]Lost me there, mate.

LOL ! Let me help you then :D

I didn't really think that Gordon Brown was an Italian classical poet !

And the comment : "You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that he was also a politician" was just me poking fun at my own misspelling -- you know, in the same way that you teased me about it.
I have no problem laughing at my own mistakes 8)

You see Dombo, that's the problem with "political threads", people often assume that the other person is angry or taking things personally, when very often nothing could be further from the truth. So probably best not to have them, eh ? :wink:

Elliot M - No, I'm not GB's number one fan. But that video was really unfair and factually incorrect imo. I always try to restrict my criticism of him, or any other politician for that matter, on the basis of the truth/facts. That video was frankly rather childish imo. And in an attempt to maintain a bipartisan approach on the subject, I also posted a video which ridiculed Gordon Brown. But in a witty, intelligent, and imo, fairly factual manner.
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Re: Hilarious Gordon Brown interview

Postby Dombo » Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:07 pm

yeah, let's stick to cycling....so Bo-Gilly, what d'you think of PM-in-waiting Cameron's new hybrid :D
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