Well, aptly for Halowe'en, we had our own Lazarus moment.
Sean AKA Patrick (do a search for Songebob squarepants characters and look at a few recent threads on here and you'll understand) made a reappearance. As he wasn't baying for brains we assumed he wasn't a zombie and let him ride with us.
A large 17's group clearly demonstrated the value of mudguards in wet weather. Uneventful (ish) ride to the cafe, and a short turnround for a ride back with Andrew G, Rob, and a new face. The only real incidents on the return were a couple in a Volvo who clearly haven't read their highway code and insisted that we should be riding singlefile, and a 4x4 driver who was upset about Andrew's (frankly amazing) maneuvre to avoid falling when his wheels slipped out from under him on the concrete section before the church climb.
Oh, and the rain started as I passed into Surrey at Elmer's End and when I returned to Kent the clouds cleared and the sun came out for the list couple of miles home.