Club run 28 November

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Club run 28 November

Postby Amy » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:48 pm

OK, who turned the heating off :shock:

Dragged myself up to CSS and found myself in the first group of 18s... Seemed more than half the group that came forward for an 18 ride and then we picked up George, Sylv and Paul (?) just beyond the railway bridge as they seemed to have decided to copy out of the 19s that they started. And then ...

What a shambles!! Seemed to be a bit stop/start down the main road and that was without the traffic lights. Casper didn't help on his fixed and then as we came through Merstham, Ant and Sylv jumped onto the front and ripped the group apart. The Shadow was doing his best to control things but the group was just too splintered and unwieldy...

We then got split by the lights before the Reigate steps and on the climb I thankfully lost contact with the group. However the second group was just behind and someone (in red, silver hair? Sorry didn't really notice who you were) gave me a good push up the hill for a bit - thank you, I needed it (but the shame... :oops: )

The two groups blurred a bit in Reigate with some riders jumping on to the first group and others dropping back to the smaller group behind. Mark McLaughlin held most of his group back to keep a gap and then stopped awhile at Reigate Common.

After that the second 18s continued in a fairly steady manner into that grotty little headwind except for the bit after Lambs Green when Del got the smell of tea and left the rest of the group trailing in his wake, despite cries of 'whoa Trigger!' :lol:

Good ride back - Geraldine told me how well I was going which made me feel a whole lot better because it sure didn't feel like it :D I am definitely improving - I suddenly realised that I was going up most of the hills in my big chain ring :lol: and except for the Reigate steps I was able to stay up OK :D

And, divine justice, Ant got two punctures 8) - that'll teach him not to go in the 19s - I meant 18s - if he wants to ride faster... :wink:
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Amy » Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:51 pm

Oh nearly forgot - who tooted at me from a large estate car and waved just before the humpback bridge at Hackbridge?
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Antloony » Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:45 pm

[quote="Amy"]Ant and Sylv jumped onto the front and ripped the group apart.

We did no such thing, all I was trying to do was get the group moving a bit more smoothly before I ran out of brake blocks such was the stopping and starting. People sat on the front free wheeling into a head wind doesn't help.

[quote="Amy"]And, divine justice, Ant got two punctures 8) - that'll teach him not to go in the 19s if he wants to ride faster... :wink:

Yes 2 punctures...not had one for over a year and a half then 2 come along on the same day...typical. Good ride back today, nice and quick thanks to Steve B, Paul H and George hammering it at the front on the run back to CSS.
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Grahame » Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:48 pm

Short ride for me today.

Set off with the first 17s, which was starting to come together and I was just starting to warm up (at last) on the descent into Reigate, when there was a huge "bang" I looked round to make sure nobody had been shot (it sounded just like the "crack" of a small calibre firearm). Nobody down, but Jon Avery was pulling over and looking perplexedly at his rear wheel.

Sensing a "good samaritan" moment, and the opportunity to practice my duct tape bodging skills, I pulled in and told the group to keep going. Jon's rear tyre had spilt at the bead and his innertube had hernia'd out and gone quite spectacularly. We sent Nigel who'd stopped to offer to help as well off with the 16s, and set to work

New tube, a length of the faithful duct tape to hold the tyre together and a finely judged "that's enough to get home safely" pumping up of the tyre and we turned back for Croydon. Coffee at Jon's then home.

Then this afternoon, my distant cousin and his colleagues beat the Saffers at Croke Park to make the day worthwhile.
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Kasper » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:22 pm

First club run for a little while for me, and being on the fixed/freewheel commuter bike felt pretty comfortable setting the pace in the first of the large 18's group. Was riding at a comfortable pace at the front of the group with the guy in the yellow bandana, sorry dude didn't catch your name, but the pace slowed after we rotated off the front. I received some flak from Steve for apparently slowing the group when in effect i had told the two who took the front shortly after the fork in the A23 to speed up as they were freewheeling downhill and the group was bunching up after previously setting a good strong pace. From my perspective this is all i can be accused of doing. From the groups perspective perhaps it would make more sense to ride mid pack and encourage people to rotate and move up front if they feel able.
Anyway turned off early at Partridge lane as my earlier pace setting caught up with me and decided to wait for Pete the Policeman who had also suffered in the acceleration just before the partridge lane turn off. Thanks for the bacon and egg baguette Pete i owe you one. Must remember to bring money next time. Doh!
After lingering at the cafe for a smidgin too long i missed all the riders i'd ridden down with and had a solo ride back along the quick route. This was until I stumbled upon roadside puncture repair in progress. the rider in question was Ben who was glad of my assistance as after finally getting his tyre on the fulcrum racing wheel realised his pump didn't work and luckily mine did. This was not realised before we had swapped inner tubes and more struggling to get the tyre on for a second time but neither of us were particularly bothered and is all good experience for any future blow outs. My conscience redeemed after the earlier fracas with Steve we proceeded into Coulsdon at a fair old wack. After saying goodbye to Ben I thought i'd see who had stopped at Cafe Nero and found a motley crew of coffee stop regulars. Thanks to Bridget for shouting me the money for an Ameretto Latte, which proved most festive.
All in all an ace day on the bike in such great weather and hope to see you all next week, providing the weather is suitably agreeable.
Thanks again,
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Amy » Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:58 pm

Hey ho, I think the lesson from the 18s at least is that everybody is responsible for the ride.

It was nagging headwind and probably needed a quicker rotation from the less strong riders to help keep the pace steadier - all I know is I saw two riders disappear off the front. I know the group needed a couple of strong, steady riders on the front - just not 200 yards off the front :shock:

I dunno about everyone, but it does feel good when we've got it all together, good steady pace, two lines of riders shoulder to shoulder, no gaps etc, etc. I think it looks good too and shows what an astounding club we are 8)

Don't forget the clubrun code of conduct, guys... [url][/url]

Could someone tidy it up - it's got funny things all over it...

Sorry, got called away by a fine glass of Campbell's Rutherglen Muscat :D
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Dombo » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:35 am

Good ride with the 18s (16.5 when we got to the caff) though as Amy implied, keeping it together was at times like trying to herd cats.
Headwind was a pain going out and huge thanks to the more powerfully built fellows at the front stopping us little chaps being blown about like leaves. Nice tailwind on the return leg, which I did Norman-style, got my average back to, erm 16.5 :( .

One tip - I know it's disconcerting when a chain comes off at speed, and all credit to the guy who dropped his on the Rusper drag and slowed to a controlled stop. But surrounding riders don't need to immediately slam their brakes on in sympathy to gawp a it.

Weather held up nicely and spent a pleasant afternoon in Croydon choosing a HDD dvd recorder: Amazing bit of kit - 450 hours of Jordan eating her own arse in a high-def Australian jungle will soon be mine to cherish and enjoy for ever. Oh happy days :D
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Amy » Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:01 am

[quote="Sean Hogan"]Well in hindsight I actually enjoyed today, but it seems there was just too much bling on my bike ...... or maybe it was the chain that was just too way too slack. Now I have a busted rear wheel as the slack chain slipped and sheered off a spoke on the drive side :-(

I'll be back in a few weeks.

My jockey wheels did look good though.


Here, Sean, do you ever think that cycling is just not for you? If it ain't one thing, it's another :lol:
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Dombo » Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:18 pm

Would that be the "wall" you leapt over like a gazelle at Hillingdon in September, leaving me gasping in your wake?
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Robh » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:10 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan"]lol, you won't drive me away that easily. I was on course for most improved Agreeable till I hit a wall in late August

starting from what year? :wink:
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Andrew G » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:38 pm

I had the fixed out for the first time since about February, add a pair of dead legs at the start and a head wind and I decided to have a gentle ride out with the 17s.

The group was working pretty well although we stopped at Reigate golf course as we thought we'd lost some. We realised it was Jon and Grahame and guessed it was something to do with the noise we'd heard on the descent to Reigate lights. The following 17s came through here and as our numbers were depleted we joined them, it made a group that was a touch big ideally but as we were now away from most of the traffic and everyone was riding well and keeping the rotations pretty smooth there weren't any problems...well while I was still with them anyway.

It changed a bit and ended up being an easier spin out to the cafe for me as Bridget had dropped off the back as she was having an off day, so I dropped back to act as a windbreak for her as it's no fun if your legs go and you've got a headwind to ride in to. Fortunately Bridget's petite enough to get some shelter from my massive frame :D .

When we got to Newdigate I spotted Sean by the road so called out, "Okay?", and got back a slightly anguished/frustrated, "No!" in reply :D . I pulled in and Bridget said she'd carry on her way while I tried to help Sean out.

The problem was a broken spoke, but fortunately it was the drive side (which has twice as many spokes) so hadn't put the wheel out of whack too much so I slackened off the rear brake so it didn't rub. Bodger's favourite tool number 2 came in next when I zip tied the broken spoke to another to stop it flapping and getting in the way. I suggested keeping it in the small ring and spinning to avoid putting much torque through the drivetrain and make life easier on his wheel. Sean said the gears had been kicking a lot and as he rode, looking down I could see the chain was waaaaaay too long, it didn't look like any links had been removed there was so much slack so knowing what a fan of little gear spinning Sean is :wink: I said to stick it in one of the bigger sprockets to put some tension in the chain and bring the cage down. This solved the kicking problem, albeit temporarily, so I think it was happening due to the slack chain catching on the little pegs that guide the chain around the jockey wheels.

So the ride to my bacon sarnie was an easy spin with Sean as he nursed his bike to breakfast and a train ride home.

Leaving the cafe and I was caught in the queue for the K :x . Outside and it was chase down time, on 48 x 19 (or 68"). Head down and spin for glory, legs whizzing round like a mad thing as I went off in hot pursuit. My speed was hovering between 21.5mph and 22.5mph and they were gradually getting closer. It was one of those, "I'd better catch them soon as I'm not sure how much longer I can keep turning the pedals at this speed for" moments. Shortly before I made the catch George, Paul, Matt, and Sylv passed me, which didn't work out well. Just as I made contact with the front bunch the aforementioned four were working their way through the group, so just as I was hoping for a breather at last they were off the front. This stirred the others to try and keep up, or in sight of them, for as long as possible and the pace picked up. Blast.

My legs needed a few minutes after my chasing efforts and after all that work I slipped off the back :x , then back to chasing again to try and reattach a couple of minutes later after my legs had recovered. By the regroup at the church I'd caught and passed a few on the church hill and made up most of the ground, but was very grateful for the chance to stop and shovel something in my face :P .

The final run in was standard fixed fair, good progress up the drag, and then everyone coming passed on the descent as they stick it in top gear and roll by faster than I can go chuckling as they go.

Good fun for me, and overall I think a good sum up of what a club run can be. A group ride out offering help to others if required, and then a bit of a burn up if you fancy it.

After so long away from CRs it was nice to see so many familiar faces again. I'm down to ride a cross race at Herne Hill next Saturday but should be back with my one gear the following week and most through to February. I've got a nice alternative route out that is less main A road and town out and picks up the normal route at Newdigate, similar distance too. Be nice if a few 18s folk join me.

Sorry went on a bit there :roll: :oops: .
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Roy Green » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:56 pm

Going on a bit? Andrew? Never! :)
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Marek » Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:03 pm

Sean, who fitted your new chain?
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Keith » Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:52 pm

[quote="Sean Hogan"]maybe it was the chain that was just too way too slack.

[quote="Marek"]Sean, who fitted your new chain?

If you're doing the job yourself, then [url=]Shimano's website[/url] is a great resource of technical info:


Sorry, thread hijack. Back to the Club Run.

[quote="Amy"]I dunno about everyone, but it does feel good when we've got it all together, good steady pace, two lines of riders shoulder to shoulder, no gaps etc, etc. I think it looks good too and shows what an astounding club we are

When I went past the other way near Leigh (I was on an early one, heading home by then) the peletons of Addiscombe riders looked pretty slick.
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Re: Club run 28 November

Postby Andrew G » Sun Nov 29, 2009 4:01 pm

Did anyone say hello? :lol:
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