Ice! Ice! Baby

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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Paul H » Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:05 am

Nonna Rosas was closed.

Well said Marek.

I think we were the only other group going to Charlwood so slower riders had little choice. The slip road at Rusper where the CR normaly joins the dual carriageway was white so there was no chance that group was going to stay upright even if it got past the bust water main. If there was a burst water main on a A road, there would be a good chance it would have been dealt with straight away. There are of course other dangers cycling on main roads though.

I didnt see the usual VC pre ride meeting this morning which was probably a mistake.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Nick W » Sun Jan 03, 2010 8:08 am

Sorry to see this story and I hope everyone is ok.

I would have headed out with Steve's group but was too busy gassing. A lucky escape so it seems. I always enjoy the cafe stop so opted out of Andrew's alternative and went with Pete and a biggish group over Farthing Down. Newbie Thomas (who was strong over Farthing Down) then had a puncture on Church Lane (Chaldon). We then headed up Hilltop Lane where we very soon started to encounter ice and had a very frosted/hairy run off the north Downs and over the M25 to Merstham.

At that point Pete and the group turned left towards Bletchingly and Noel and I bailed out to head down the A23, straight through Redhill and down the A217 to the cafe. It was nice to stretch the legs on frost free main roads with a sort of two man through and off (?).

At the cafe I was a bit concerned to see only training group elements left so there was no choice but to enjoy a blast back to Coulsdon (I hasten to add that I was hanging on and wimpering rather than blasting) up the A23 for a hot drink in Nero.

I saw some of the main Pete group coming south on the Brighton Road. Where did you guys all get to then?
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Keith » Sun Jan 03, 2010 9:33 am

[quote="Nick W"]Where did you guys all get to then?

I discovered about 20 Addiscombe riders (Connor, Rob Q, et al) in the warmth of the cafe at Knights garden centre in Bletchingley. I'd already done a 2x20 sweet spot ride on the rollers - way too hard a frost to consider going out on the road, even the main roads.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Rob Q » Sun Jan 03, 2010 12:29 pm

[quote="Keith"][quote="Nick W"]Where did you guys all get to then?

I discovered about 20 Addiscombe riders (Connor, Rob Q, et al) in the warmth of the cafe at Knights garden centre in Bletchingley. I'd already done a 2x20 sweet spot ride on the rollers - way too hard a frost to consider going out on the road, even the main roads.

Glad to hear there are no serious injuries after that fall :( . After Nick parted ways we decided to stay off the lanes and as said stopped for a nice cuppa in Knights garden centre. We decided to stick to the A25 and headed towards Westerham and then up the Croydon road (I think). Even the A25 had some nasty patches of ice, but fortunately no mishaps and everyone enjoyed the fresh air on what turned out to be a slow but sensible ride.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Dombo » Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:14 pm

[quote="Marek"]mlocke, the point is that some people in that group may not have known about experiences that other members may have had down that exact road in the past due to icy conditions. If they had known then maybe they would not have blindly followed the more experienced riders that do know the risks on that road. And why you would want to take that risk in the first place seems a bit strange to me. There are other roads that lead to the cafe which have a much lower ice risk. Which is why Andrew Green and Paul Hones groups both stayed upright. Why risk an injury and a possible messed up season and a broken bike :?:

How about this scenario, you are new to the club, you go on the club run and you fall off due to ice. You then find out that in the last few years there have been accidents on the same road in cold icy conditions, I reckon you might be a bit annoyed about the route your club took you down. Fine if you know the risk, but how many people blindly follow the leader on the club run, probably a fair few. This is about being safe and not taking people into high risk situations, which is what you did today. It sounded like you were lucky no one was badly injured like last year.


Totally agree with Marek. Plain common sense should prevail in these conditions. Glad nobody was seriously hurt, but chuck a couple of cars, vans, lorries into the mix and our CR could make the national news for all the wrong reasons. I was mtb-ing today and the roads around Holmbury were sheet ice. I'll be sticking to the trails until this cold snap's over.
Happy New Year everbod, and keep safe.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Amy » Sun Jan 03, 2010 5:36 pm

Funny, I didn't have quite so much problems with icy conditions when I was riding with the CTC - maybe the extra weight, heavier tires and the slower pace helped.

To be honest, Steve's group was unlucky - if there hadn't been a water main burst we probably wouldn't be having this smugger than thou conversation - (light bikes, higher speed and skinny tires probably didn't help). After all, Pete's group went over Farthing Down through to Chaldon on those little lanes that I thought would've been icier than others I know.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Steve W » Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:37 am

Well said Amy,

It was a great ride with Steve B on Saturday despite the tumble. I think we would have been fine if we had got past that point as I cannot think
of any other points where the road is so rutted with the sun blocked by the trees. I think we where all lulled into a false sense of security
by the running water.

Sorry we missed everyone at the Cafe as we ended up doing an extended dual carriageway ride. a good 60 miles in the winter sunshine
was well worth coming out for even if I picked up a couple of bruises on the way :D
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Mulberry » Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:50 pm

As an outsider occasionally looking in I have to fully agree with Marek. I recall the time a couple of years ago when ACC sadly seemed to have a crash on average every week for at least one of their riders for a period of almost 3 months - mainly on the club runs. Likewise ACC has fallen foul of the ice regularly in the past - once with over 15 people falling off as they rode over a patch of ice which had already taken out a smaller ACC group earlier who were riding back the other way!!

Whilst you could say that Steve B was unlucky to fall off there, they would have almost definitely fallen off somewhere else - don't forget they slipped on ice within 500 yards of leaving the main road, so it wasn't as if they had the chance to ride along out other roads further along the route. Particularly when you're in a group it is too risky to ride on untreated rural roads. I also have to agree that if the others in the group knew of the crash rate on ice for ACC then they would probably not have happily followed Steve.

We in the Paragon don't tend to ride on the minor roads when it's icy and will often cancel the whole road ride and do an MTB ride instead. We've had a few falls in our time as well - as have most other clubs. The key thing is to learn from your mistakes and don't keep repeating them!

Get well soon to those who fell off and I hope the repairs are straightforward.


PS - I know that Redhill CC has become very concerned about the ride leader's responsibilities / liabilities when leading a ride and one thing springs to mind...what if somebody was seriously hurt then later discovers that the ride leader knew that route was often subject to ice and the club had fallen off their before yet ignored this evidence and the advice of his peers. The seriously hurt party could then phone up a "no win, no fee lawyer" and try to sue the ride leader. You would find yourself in a right kerfuffle then and this hypothetical scenario has caused Redhill massive debate.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby jon avery » Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:17 pm

A lot of people on here seem to be blaming Steve, let me put an end to all this, it seems several people think there were several new riders following Steve blind into the unknown, NOT the case it was a group of 8 riders all who have been in the club for a considerable length of time. We all knew the route and the conditions, should we have stuck to main roads? Maybe, but whats done is done, Have you noticed not one person from the group is complaining.
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Amy » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:02 pm

Oh let's see - I came off on ice on Boxing Day - on the flippin' cycle path where it goes round the roundabout just after the railway bridge out of CSS. I had hoped it was slushy but it wasn't and in effecting a stupid manouvre such as brake and turn off the ice at the same time it didn't work... Just an embarrassing slow motion keel over...

Let's stop obsessing over this incident - yes,it is icy and people will come off now and again. I know we can't stop someone trying to take a leader to court but I bet the CTC and the BC would be fighting in our corner as such a thing would have a hell of an impact on club riding. As far as I know, someone's probably tried it on already.

We just need to exercise discretion and caution; ride slower, further apart, smaller groups etc, etc. And we make sure that everyone is happy with taking the risks.

In fact a car probably could've skidded on that ice patch Steve's lot fell foul of...

Heading back to the bunker now...
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Steve B » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:36 pm

Thanks Jon. The only people criticising were not even on the club run, let alone on our ride.

[quote="Mulberry"]Whilst you could say that Steve B was unlucky to fall off there, they would have almost definitely fallen off somewhere else

Total rubbish, how can you say that without being there. Why did Petes' group not come down then, they went on lanes too. Or is it that ice only finds that one road, and nowhere else. Does the local council grit all the other country lanes and leave one special one to catch us out :lol:

[quote="Marek"] Today I cycled down to Ditchling going down only main roads and had a great ride with no issues, there were some icy patches on the sides of the road but were very avoidable.

Madness, how could you have gone out with icy patches on the sides of the road, utter madness, what were you thinking of :wink:

[quote="Mulberry"] I recall the time a couple of years ago when ACC sadly seemed to have a crash on average every week for at least one of their riders for a period of almost 3 months - mainly on the club runs. Likewise ACC has fallen foul of the ice regularly in the past

Yes there has been a couple of crashes along that part of the route in previous years. I was involved in the big one about 5 years ago when the whole group went down exept a few(me included), and I was in the group that followed the crash group last year- hardly every week then :roll: . Yesterdays conditions were like neither of those other 2 days, not as cold during the night before, and it hadn't rained for a few days either. I consider myself fairly experienced and am not going to put myself, or others in danger just for the fun of it. I assesed the road conditions, as did the rest of the group, and made a decision on that assesment. The roads were good, and had obviously been treated during the cold spell previous. The very small roads off to the side, and paths etc were frosty, meaning that the roads had been gritted/salted. WE WERE UNLUCKY. We slowed seeing the water just after the bend, but got caught just after it. It was a fairly slowish accident and I hope no one was hurt more than what showed up on sat. No one seems to be criticising from the group.

Ok, how many accidents have we had at the junction where the A23 meets the M23 :?: Hmm, best not let the club run ride on that part of the road anymore then, too dangerous, and we know about it too.
Robin got hospitalised after a crash on the road leading to the sprint before Charlwood, due to a big pothole. We know there are still potholes around that area, and others, best not let the club ride on those roads either, and best not have sprinting to the Charlwood sign, there are cars and things coming the other way you know.

Oh yeah, and I stand down as a VC - dont need the stress.

Happy New Year everyone

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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Rob Q » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:53 pm

[quote]Oh yeah, and I stand down as a VC - dont need the stress.
I think this has been blown out off proportion. What was just an accident has turned into a free for all and unnecessary comments aimed at Steve a good VC and an experienced rider. I was with the group that went out with Pete S and we too came across icy patches and were fortunate enough to have no one fall. I like most people at the club take full responsibility for my own safety and I alone make a call on whether or not the roads are safe enough to ride. In the 2 years I have been riding with the club I have seen or heard of very few accidents especially when you consider the size and the amount of people we get out on the CR. I have myself came off on a CR on what was a diesel spill. So answer me this, how do we start avoiding those?
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby jon avery » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:59 pm

Hear! Hear! Don't stand down Steve, as Rob said you are an experienced rider who would be greatly missed as a VC, stick at it mate, don't let em get you down :)
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Steve W » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:02 pm

I second John Avery's last comment.

We need experienced vc's like Steve B who contribute on a regular basis as the addiscombe is such a large club.

As one of those that hit the deck i have no complaints and would like to point out that this was a freak
event brought about by the burst watermain, and that we did all slow as we approached the dip and all know
that bit of road has its hazards with potholes, gravel and blind bend.

One of the reasons I decided to go with this group was that I was concerned about Pete's ride being largely on
narrow lanes with some fast decents and less familiar road surfaces, so in the event it was simply bad luck.

So lets not lose a valuable vc because of some self rightuous comments from people who where not there. :evil:
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Re: Ice! Ice! Baby

Postby Mulberry » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:13 pm

Steve B I was not wanting to criticise you and I understand that your fellow riders all chose to join you at their own risk. I only wanted to back up Marek's warning and advice really. Unfortunately the side roads in the country and in town are all icy at the moment and we all need to take care.

I hoped my comments would create interest and raise awareness of the risks invovled. If these comments, together with your account of the ride prevents others from crashing than so much the better.


PS - there was a huge run of crashes both on the ACC CRs and riding to and from them a couple of years ago. I was somewhat amazed at how many people were affected as detailed on the forum and clearly remember discussing it with some of people in ACC at the time. As I said you guys seem to have come through that and long may it continue.

Take Care and Enjoy the ride!
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