ACC Sunday ride to The Queen’s Stage
Sunday 17s decided to head to Charlwood for a shorter, flatter, quicker ride. Six of us braved the cold, mist, and damp. Sam came up from Hove but trespassers on the line at Preston Park meant he missed his connection at Gatwick! Fortunately Spond allowed for a quick edit and a 10:45 start.
Neo cafe gave us a warm welcome as always, pity that Viv had to sit by the door and freeze everytime someone came or went, and invariably left the door wide open! Some people!!
Food was good although Sam’s scrambled eggs left something to be desired (very crumbly texture). Still it’s nothing if not cheap!
Home for most of us via Salfords, Lonesome Lane and Coopers Hill to finish off the ride nicely. 64k door to door for me. Great company, great fun, roll on next week!