by Jon H » Wed Jan 28, 2004 2:34 pm
Not having been on a MTB for at least two years, not currently owning one and never having been on an Addiscombe MTB ride, I could be accused of speaking out of turn here, but this is supposed to be an open forum for all so here goes.
It's a great idea to keep people informed with what's going on with the MTB side of the club, just make sure that the MTB group doesn't become alienated from the club as a whole and end up as a little clique. That could easily happen it the MTB digest is only sent out to a small group of people. If you start off by sending it out to the same list as Marco's regular digest, people with no interest in MTBs can always just not read it or unsubscribe from that email group. But if you start off with a little group then you could lose people who are only occasional MTBers. Also, as newbies are added to Marco's list get them on the MTB list too.
Slightly off topic, I bought CW last week and noticed that we're still advertising Sunday and Tuesday night rides from East Croydon Stn. If those aren't an every week thing then we should take them out of CW, or change the wording to something like "Addiscombe MTB ride, contact XXX for details", so potential newbies can check first rather than turning up and finding no-one else there.