Ended up two of us rode there - myself and PvT - with the KPRC having joined them at Kingston Gate, Richmond Park. Two more, Dave and Robyn, were at the funeral itself.
Cheers to PvT and James from the Bec for towing me back home (well at least to Weston Green where I called in on my Mum for a much need cup of tea!)
Whilst going out was a better route in terms of roads than coming back, I still don't ever want to ride that way again - the roads made Surrey look smooth and well maintained! And as for the traffic - glad it wasn't rush hour. Mind you it was amazing having a police escort of 5 motorbike riders and a car for the cortege following the hearse to the crematorium
We had a rolling road block with us and anyone who got into any gaps in the ride were firmly pulled over and told to wait until the back marker car came past