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mtb crew

Postby monty » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:29 pm



Postby monty » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:29 pm


Marco, a well considered & balanced rally of the troops

Can you clarify something for me?
I know Jason is the DH Sec for 2004
but has it been decided who is going to be
the MTB Sec?
& Beastway Promoter?

Postby Dom » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:56 pm

The issue with the Sunday rides I believe is who is available to lead one? In the 'good ole days' it tended to be you or Joe or Jason, so when none of you are available there is a problem!. The road rides I have been on always follow the same route which is fine for Road cycling as you tend to want to see the training aspects of the ride (i.e. I made it up that hill in a higher gear than I did last week) but for MTB rides people seem to want variety (which there dont seem to be much of round lovely Croydon).

I would offer to lead if I knew any routes (any excuse to try and get my fiance in lycra and covered in mud) and also there is the possible legality issue of some of the routes we have used in the past. (Schoolmasters, shirley hills etc),

Maybe a move of the starting point of the ride from EC to somewhere more MTB friendly Leith/Holmbury?(Used to go on rides which started/finished at Rykas cafe so ample car parking and access to a train station) Or closer to home Epsom (some great rides going out from over the racecourse etc) may help.

Regarding the Insular Group of mates on Cushite (not a typo). I dont see that as an issue! All that need happen would be for the MTB sec to post any arrangements made there (or on Dirks site) onto the ACC forum. It just shows that the MTBers have gelled over time into a close? group of mates
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Postby sylv » Thu Oct 30, 2003 3:58 pm

Marco, I'll write what I think when I have a bit of time (which agrees to Dom's view).

Monty, Martin B. has expressed interest into being mtb sec next year.


Postby Dom » Thu Oct 30, 2003 4:04 pm

You also want to see my gf wearing lycra and covered in mud? You dirty frenchie
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Postby Rory » Thu Oct 30, 2003 7:09 pm

Dom's pretty much said it all.
The leader issue and the lack of challenging terrain are the two main points.
I've been out from EC a fair few times but still couldn't navigate a group to the wall of death. Probably my own fault for following the leader and not making a mental note of the route. Going out from EC is not like flying around Leith Hill - you need to know a legalish route to get from a to b unlike leith where you can go here, there and everywhere.
Personally, I've grown a bit tired of the routes around croydon. For me mtb is about a challenge whether doing a climb or a drop off. It's all about pushing yourself - something that I wasn't getting on the routes around croydon.

RE: starting the rides down at Leith is good for the regulars but it's not really going to attract the newbies who (depending on their mtb skillz) will be pretty fazed by it all.
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Postby Jason » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:22 pm

That's it with me as well, I grew bored of the rides round Croydon as they're not technically challenging enough; I'd rather go out to Leith Hill and ride the trails there as they offer more what I personally want (singletrack, drop-offs, jumps and general gnarliness). In a way, that's why I handed on the role of MTB secretary, because I felt that I was no longer in a position (probably through my own selfishness of wanting to ride further afield) to be able to lead the ECBR rides any more, which is what really pulls in the new people. Marco, you seem to be forgetting yourself from the list of people who can lead rides?

What we are seeing is that someone needs to be at East Croydon every week. I don't mind leading a ride from there every now and again as I'm sure quite a few others don't. Maybe we need a sort of rota system, say once a Month we each make the effort.

The thing with the drop in membership is internet forums. A lot of people now organise rides through forums like STW, Cushtie, ChocolateFoot and BM, meeting people that way and alleviating one of the main reasons to join a club (to ride in a friendly group). We were doing well a year or so ago because we were going on the forums and offering riding with a friendly group on known trails to people who maybe didn't know others, but that has passed now. The thing is, so many more people go on the forums now (well, STW anyway) that potential newbies are going to be given a few choices every weekend and somewhere like Leith Hill is always going to win over Croydon as people have heard about it.

Off this topic a bit, but I feel there needs to be two Feeedback e-mails; one for members and one for prospective members. Imagine if you've enquired about joining a club, have passed on your e-mail details and two days later, before you've even been on a ride, you're getting an e-mail back berating you for not marshalling and telling you that you need to have insurance. If I'd have got that, I'd never have come out with the Addiscombe, never mind join.
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Postby Adam (8-Ball) » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:53 pm

A few random thoughts;

[quote]It really wont be hard to get the mtb side of things kick started again - one common thing i hear from a lot of people at the moment is "Id love to come out with you but the stuff you ride is so mad". Infact I heard that last night at the club from someone who had just spent a grand on a secondhand mtb and was raring to go but worried about getting busted up. The reality of it is that on the sunday rides there were very few injuries as people were encouraged to ride within their limits. Certainly now the club has (had?) more focus on DH the injuries went up as the 'jackass' mentality kicked in.

Not always, I've been on EC Sunday rides when we've had an ambulance in attendance. I've also never had a serious MTB injury that has required time off work doing any kind of riding (touch wood!). I don't think we've ever encouraged people to ride outside their limits. The current trend for Leith Hill rides would be excellent for most levels of riders, as there's something for everyone to try.

[quote]Should we be putting more official mtb stuff up on the Addiscombe forum rather than sticking it on the very insular gang of mates site that cushtie has become?

If you can post stuff that appeals to everyone then put it on the ACC forum, but Cushtie works for us because we can sort out what we want when we want. Maybe that should change?

[quote]There is a big comparison at the moment with the mtb section and the road section of 5 years ago. We had a lot of riders who would just meet up with their mates every week and do big rides that werent really suitable for beginners. OK for the handful of riders in question but crap for cycling in the south east. When the road side got a bit more organised and had huge regular rides that beginners could do then everyone, including the experts who could hold additional rides as well as the main beginners rides were happy.

Maybe we aren't aiming to achieve any kind of "status" for riding in the south east. For the most part it's a group of people having fun on bikes. Anyone's welcome, if we know you're a beginner then we'll cater for you. The current ACC trend seems to be to create the UKs biggest club (and therefore gain the influence that comes with it), rather than create a fun club that people want to join.

[quote]The thing is its worth remembering that DOWNHILL is not the same as MTB. Its another branch of the sport carried out by those with a bent for adrenaline.(And while its being talked about a lot at the moment not a single new DH rider has joined up in the last year so its not exactly a huge growth area for the club on paper). The rest of us who cant afford sick days off work want to ride around happily on a Sunday discovering new trails and just getting our heartrates up without leaving skidmarks in our shorts from being confronted with ever bigger drop offs on every ride.

It's also worth remembering that we don't exclusively ride downhill, we ride (and sometimes race) both disciplines.

I think that's it for now.
Adam (8-Ball)
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Postby Elliot M » Fri Oct 31, 2003 11:41 am

I'll write more when I get the chance but...

whatever riding we do we need to be organised -- decide on time place and who leads the ride earlier in advance so can appear in Digest etc.

To get to this point it may be that a small group of leaders (inc me) sort out a rota so one person can take responsibility every 6 weeks -- sorting this out way in advance -- and maybe they run different sorts of rides.

I'm not sure that running a weekly ride out of croydon is any longer an achievable goal but once a month as a very beginner friendly ride may be.

One problem is that we are rapidly going into winter and i doubt that we are going to get new members anyway.
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Postby Chris » Fri Oct 31, 2003 12:33 pm

Hi. I live up in Greenwich, but there is very little to do around us and it is all illegal I'm sure. Would be happy to get a couple of mates together and come down on a sunday ride some time if you let me know where and when, and what sort of rides you do. I'm not a complete beginner, but having wrapped myself round a tree in oxleas woods in the summer, I am a bit more cautious when it comes to downhill and jumping! Also my bike is sh....

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Postby Chris » Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:10 pm

....if a few of us SE london lot came down it might stop you guys moaning about your XC missions turning into downhill monsters. I can drive down, and if it's sunday, I am happy to lead a couple of rides once I know the area if nobody else can make it. I'm quite reliable, and I'd rather go down to Croydon than keep doing the woods around us - it's too much road and mostly illegal. Would like to get involved in a club - more people, more fun. G/W cyclists do towpath rides and stuff which doesn't really inspire me.

Please let me know anyway.

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Postby Dom » Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:14 pm

Chris guess your not Blue Spesh Chris then? Be great to get you guys down, Marco has posted there will be a small EC ride this week as I think quite a few of us going to Aston Hill for their Bombhole Funday this Sun.
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Postby Chris » Fri Oct 31, 2003 4:02 pm

....well, I do have a blue spesh....erm....a hardrock, which I have just put some 100mm marzocchi forks on. Why did I do that? Is there some coincidence here? Anyway, it now handles like a POS, and I hate:

The coke can derailleur hanger
My bent rear wheel
The whole drivetrain
That the stem is too short and I haven't got around to fixing it.

I'd planned to turn it into a bit of a 9 spd hucking machine (bombhole eh!?), once I had another xc bike, but having inspected the evil and bent beyond all recognition derailleur hanger at the weekend, I'm not sure it's worth my while doing anything on it. It certainly doesn't deserve these new forks, but the last ones were so evil I had to put these on.

Now where was I? Oh yeah, where and when on Sunday (postcode or address so I can look up on multimap?)? Good to watch if I'm too chicken to join in anyway. EC(?) Ride?
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Postby Chris » Fri Oct 31, 2003 4:22 pm

....make my knees pop out you mean ! I have knee trouble starting already, so I am sticking with gears - rides starting at my house involve going right out of the door and straight up blackheath hill, followed by straight up shooters hill = too long to push. Can get away with 9spd, chain device and use it for riding around the streets I reckon. I want to practise my drops/jumps/steps. Only got into this in Feb, and obviously wish I'd bought a better bike. Hoping to after Christmas, and once I have 2 bikes I can stop trying to make the best of both worlds. Oh yeah, I'm still on flat pedals too - because I haven't got around to that either.

I have got a squeaky sheep which I plan to demonise tho.

May see you sunday if I can (may be band rehearsal).

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Postby Will » Sat Nov 01, 2003 11:05 am

I generally agree with all the stuff above.

As Dom says, road riding is much more to do with things like fitness, performance, bunch technique, etc. So most people are happy doing the same ride every week, as it gives them pretty much all they need, especially with the different speed groups. Occasionally the routes do vary - like the excellent scenic ToSH and ToKA rides - but that's not the focus: it's riding in a big group, at the speed of your choice, etc. that matters.

But with mtbing, the route pretty much makes or breaks the ride. With the choice of route comes the challenge level, and with the variety comes added interest. Croydon, though it has probably been a bit of a revelation to all of us, is nevertheless beaten hands down by places like Leith Hill. I've been going there on and off for a while, and am still finding new & exciting trails. Also, the importance of the route, and the need for variety, is illustrated by the fact that throughout the year we mtbers have variously spent time travelling around to ride in France, Switzerland, Wales, Scotland, Lakes, and so on.

So what can be done about the mtb crisis?

Well, perhaps with a concerted effort and a bit of organisation, we can find a group of riders who would be happy to lead rides around Croydon. It sounds like Specialized Chris has kindly volunteered to help out on that front. Maybe there are others too? I think Martin might be willing, as we spoke about this on the way to Wales the other week. Also as Elliot suggests, it might be possible to get people to commit to leading an EC ride once a month or so.

As for all the other (i.e. non-EC) rides, we have to accept that they will continue to happen, and for most of us, account for the majority of our riding. It is fair to say that we could be more organised in letting Marco know where & when they are happening. Often they get organised at the very last minute, but it would probably not take too much effort to aim to get them finalised, and details sent to Marco, in time for the digest deadlines. One thing to remember though is to let people know how difficult the ride will be, as riding drop-offs is not suited to everyone!

There will hopefully be some more specials too. I, with help from Aodan, led the Croydon-To-Brighton ride earlier in the year, and still have plans for a Croydon-To-Eastbourne. Watch this space...
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