Sunday Ride - 20th January

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Postby Andrew G » Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:01 pm

Car bought.
Weather looking dry and mild :D but windy.
Mind you they were totally wrong today so fingers crossed they haven't got that forecast wrong as well :roll: .
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Postby Mike I » Sat Jan 19, 2008 7:40 pm

As it was dry today I went out on the CR. It's pushing my luck to go out on Sat and Sun, so don't wait, and have a good one.
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Postby Snoop Doug » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:34 pm

I'm with Mike....again! This is catching. Enjoy your ride.
Snoop Doug

Postby Rob C » Sat Jan 19, 2008 9:44 pm

Anyone want to ride in the afternoon? About 12-1, I've got to work in the morning. Planning to do 3ish hours with a few hills.
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Postby huw williams » Sun Jan 20, 2008 2:58 pm

Nice ride today - 3hrs 11mins - 200w av

Slines Oak, Toys, Poll Hill and lots of insufarable drags, especially up to Downe (up to Downe???) into a mean-spirited headwind which followed us all the way around.

8 of us out so a good sized group - we let Keith do most of the work early on to soften him up a bit 8) - there was some tasty hilll work going on for the middle of January and I was startled to see my max HR chasing Keith at the top of Slines - don't normally see those numbers until June :shock:

Awfull road conditions, mud-splattered kit and wrecked bike at the end
as well as some seriously shredded legs and people longing for some big-time sofa action supported by a beer or two

Loads of other riders on the road too, must be the warm weather

How come every time we see other groups on the road A) we're going past them at ridiculous speed B) They always look like they're enjoying themselves whereas we all have masks of pain etched on our faces?

Excellent - now where's that sofa
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Postby Robh » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:29 pm

As Toks would say what's your 20min watts figure Huw?
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Postby Keith » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:33 pm

Thanks guys, great ride. 3 1/2 hours & 90 hilly kms. Thanks (I think!) Andrew for the lumpy route.

Engineering works meant that instead of a leisurely train ride up to meet at GB, I did the 1st part of the ride in reverse meeting up in Selsdon.

[quote="huw williams"]... we let Keith do most of the work early on to soften him up a bit ....

I only sat on the front to avoid getting covered in mud.

That long drag up to Downe was definitely the worst with the headwind channeled down the road.

I've now hosed myself and the bike down. Must dash, I too can hear the sofa calling......
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Postby huw williams » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:54 pm


250 for 30 minutes - that's a real 'tested' 30 minutes as opposed to the 20 mins less 5% test

Not very good - but like you my weight is 65kg

I've only been on it for a month though after 6 weeks off with zero riding and already seeing significant improvement. (I'll soon catch George 8) 8) 8) )

So - 200w av for over 3 hours is bang in the middle of 'Tempo' range for me
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Postby Andrew G » Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:54 pm

[quote]Awful road conditions, mud-splattered kit

Well it is January, that's what winter bikes are for :wink: .

Ye Gods that was hard. For a variety of reasons my cycling for the last two weeks has been limited to 3 turbo session, so a week before doing the Ashdown Reliability I thought a tough hilly ride, The Green Reliability if you like, was order of the day.

A couple of early punctures meant we all waited and had the joy of climbing Slines Oak from a standing start :roll: . Then the nice drop down and little rolls to Four Elms before the biggie of Toys. I did my own penguin impression up this but was in bottom gear not top.

Mark rather unfortunately had to stop half way up the last, and steepest, ramp of Toys due to cramp - lovely another standing start for him.

A flick past the corner of Westerham and on to Polhill. I always find the approach to it tough as it's a nasty drag that just saps the legs. Mark had suffered up this so was clearly still suffering with cramp We dropped down through Halstead village to the main road and waved Jon H off as he was staying of the A road back home, Mark wisely followed to save his cramping legs more pain.

A left for the remaining six and on to Shire Lane. From this side it's one of those roads that has an imperceptible drag, so you think you're on the flat and can't work out why your legs hurt so much and the speed is dropping.

First Kasper and then Kieth (who were both in storming form today) dragged us along it at a ludicrous speed. It may only have said 18mph on the speedo but it was also in to the teeth of a horrendous head wind. This was where my legs started to say they'd had enough, and I was gurning to a World class standard to hang on to Grant's wheel.

At the end there's a nasty little kick up hill and the top of that we headed up, yes the climb in to Downe :) . The others pulled a bit ahead of Ant and myself as we were now suffering whenever the road went up but we latched back on when the others kindly eased up in Downe. As Keith was kind enough to point out though I had no-one to blame but myself as I'd chosen the route. Thanks for that :) , but it was true and also meant that I couldn't take any of the early bail options I'd told the others were available from this point, couldn't be a wimp so just had to grit my teeth and suck wheels mercilessly.

Yet another drag up from Biggin Hill and on for the final haul to Tatsfield. After that Keith split off to head for home and I wasn't far behind turning off to drop back through the lanes past the White Bear.

A filthy bike, and when I looked in the mirror at home I had the most ridiculous helmet hair (what's left of it) and a thoroughly mud splattered face. Absolutely knackered and although no beer in the flat there is a rather nice bottle of red which should provide some comfort.

Thanks chaps for a great ride even if it hurt, must remember to have ridden the bike during the week before doing it next time and it won't hurt so much.

I had 55 miles on the clock at an average of a bit over 16mph. I know that sounds a bit tame but trust me on that loop and with today's wind it was plenty fast enough for a hard work out.


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Postby Toks » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:35 pm

[quote="huw williams"]
I've only been on it for a month though after 6 weeks off with zero riding and already seeing significant improvement. (I'll soon catch George 8) 8) 8) )

So - 200w av for over 3 hours is bang in the middle of 'Tempo' range for me
Good work Mr Williams, given what you've mentioned above your FT is fine. Starting from weeks and weeks of zero training a 40-60watt gain in a season, depending on training time etc is more than feasible. Rob and I will fill in your 300watt membership card and you can pick it up a few weeks before the TOBM. :D
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Postby mlocke » Sun Jan 20, 2008 4:47 pm

Thanks for the ride Andrew - that was good fun in a really painful way.

Not much to say that hasn't already been mentioned but by the top of Toys hill??? I was really beginning to feel the club run from the day before and the twinges of cramp got too bad about 50ft from the top and had to stop to stretch it out.

After that I couldn't put to much power into the pedals without feeling the onset of further cramp so when Andrew suggested a short-cut I jumped at it as I really feel guilty holding up a group just because I can't keep up.

My misfortune is anothers good fortune as less than a minute after taking the detour home I came accross another guy at the side of the road with a puncture. Turns out he didn't have tyre levers so I lent him mine - I was quite happy to have the five minutes rest to be honest.

My good deed of the day done I thn pootled on home at a more reasonable pace for my poor tired legs!!

good weekend in all - 2 rides, about 50 miles each and lots and lots of hills with an exponential amount of pain.

Cheers guys and see some of you on Sunday for the Ashdown
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Postby Robh » Sun Jan 20, 2008 5:54 pm

[quote="huw williams"]Rob

250 for 30 minutes - that's a real 'tested' 30 minutes as opposed to the 20 mins less 5% test

Not very good - but like you my weight is 65kg

I've only been on it for a month though after 6 weeks off with zero riding and already seeing significant improvement. (I'll soon catch George 8) 8) 8) )

So - 200w av for over 3 hours is bang in the middle of 'Tempo' range for me

I'm sure the 30min figure will come up with deidicated threshold training. As comparison as I also weigh 65kg I've not done any formal testing yet :-

My current best 20mins is 288W (was after doing my first 20mins L4 workout @ 271W).

Have done recently 3 x 25mins @ 270W and 3hrs @ 220W.

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Postby Antloony » Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:22 pm

Not much I can add really....apart from 2 swollen testicles from where I slipped trying to clip in and landed smack down on the front on my saddle hard enough to make it point downhill :shock:

Great ride, great company (sorry I sat at the back so much guys, need to work on my strength a bit) Total of 62 miles for me by the time I got back to Sutton. Walked in and collapsed in a heap. As Andrew said we both suffered a bit, mine came in fits and starts, kept feeling good then 5 mins later suffered like hell.

Cheers to Andew for making me suffer again with a hellish route.
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Postby Jon H » Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:25 pm

Well, the alarm was set in time for the CC Bexley reliability ride, but I decided an extra hour in bed and the Green ride was a more attractive option this morning.

An excellent ride. Some tasty hills, some filthy roads, and lots of hanging on to the back of the group for me. As we going down Titsey at about 40 mph I thought my rear wheel felt a bit odd when I started braking. Just thought the brake needed centreing or something, and carried on. Cleaned my bike this afternoon and discovered a split in the rim sidewall about two inches long. :shock:
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Today's ride

Postby Kasper » Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:34 pm

Many thanks Andrew for a brilliant days riding in deepest darkest Kent.
As I think we were saying it really was good to get away from the usual club run and venture somewhere different for a change. And all those hills just made my day complete!!! :lol:

I didn't seem to be suffering too badly up the hills today so it looks like my winter regime of spinning classes at the gym has had some effect. I think I even managed to beat Kieth up Toys hill ( I'm sure he wasn't really trying and just let me have the break!!;) Right Kieth?).

You're right about Shire Lane being one of the hardest sections of todays ride. It was like cycling in a wind tunnel with the hedging either side of you. If I'd have known you were struggling Andrew I sure I could have gone a bit faster( NOT), I was mightily relieved when Kieth came around me as I realised I might have gone off a bit fast along that lane. It's only because I know the area as my Gran used to live round there and I used to cycle over there along this very road, that I went off so fast.

SO, explanations over, a great day's riding and one made so much better by the other riders. Of course we go faster than everyone else, Huw, we've got a reputation to live up to. Even if Andrew's was the only Addiscombe top on display today I still think we made an impressive looking group!!!! :D
Sorry Jon and Mark this photo was taken after we split but you are there in spirit! As am I!!!
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