The Saturday morning club run is our main event of the week when the whole club gets together for rides. We meet at 9.00am at Coulsdon South railway station to embark on rides to several destinations. The majority of groups head over to the sleepy Surrey village of Charlwood, where the training group prefer to have their cafe stop, and the remainder head back to Newdigate to the Tanhouse Farm cafe. The Alternatives group explores Surrey, Sussex, and Kent for a different cafe stop each week. We also have a SUNDAY club run which meets around 9:30 am at the Feathers Pub at Merstham. During the lighter evenings during the summer there are also leisurely mountain bike rides starting in Coulsdon at the bottom of Farthing Down. Please check the forum for details (Rides Section).
There could be as many as 120 riders out on any given Saturday. Don’t worry though – with that many riders there’ll be a group going at just your speed, whatever your ability. So if you want a full-on training ride or just a gentle potter round the country lanes, click on the links on the right to find out about the different groups from a few of our Vice Captains. When you arrive on your first club run make yourself known to a Vice Captain and they’ll look after you.
New potential members are welcome to join us for up to three rides, to see if you like us! Please complete the Guest form and bring a copy with you ACC Guest Form and Parental Consent also read the Club Code of Conduct and Risk Assessment. If you are under 18, you need to to ensure the Parental Consent part of the Guest Form is completed.
After tea and cakes in you’re free to ride back with any group you choose, via a number of different routes. The Alternatives group will always stick together heading home to ensure no one gets lost.
We hope to see you on a Saturday or Sunday morning soon!
In 2007, our clubrun became the largest in the UK, with 122 riders!

Please note: (1) All riders must read our code of conduct before attending a club ride.