Click title to show track
Route 1 (Road)Route 2 (Road)
Route 3 (Road)
Route 4 (Road)
Route 5 (Road)
Route 1 | Road | 42.13Â mi | 2730.0Â ft | GPX File |
Route 2 | Road | 45.45Â mi | 3219.2Â ft | GPX File |
Route 3 | Road | 45.88Â mi | 2543.3Â ft | GPX File |
Route 4 | Road | 47.31Â mi | 2359.6Â ft | GPX File |
Route 5 | Road | 48.84Â mi | 2487.5Â ft | GPX File |
Disclaimer: The routes published on this website are provided as a guide only, and come with no guarantee of their accuracy, safety, or right of way. Downloading and following any of the routes listed on this website is done at your own risk, where it is assumed the necessary risk assessment of the full route will be conducted before starting a ride, making adjustments and/or corrections where appropriate. Guidelines on performing a ride Risk Assessment can be found here
Tanhouse Farm Shop
Tanhouse Farm cafe is the regular destination for the main stay of the club, and was adopted several years ago after the Pine Café in Charlwood ceased trading. It is also popular with other clubs and with its outdoor play area popular with families ...