Rule of Grit – 65Km of off-road fun!
Report by Ian Wilkinson

With the growing interest in MTB and gravel riding, we have decided to organise more club rides to cater for off-road enthusiasts.
The inaugural event was the VC Meudon’s Rule of Grit on 2 April – Good Friday. 65 kms of gravel, bridle paths, trails and a little mud.
Seven Addiscombe riders rode off from Shalford in two teams, on a mix of cyclocross, gravel and mountain bikes.
Lesley, Tom, Ashley & Ian Neil, Kim and Andy
A chilly breeze made us all wonder about our layering strategy!
We needn’t have worried as we rode through beautiful Surrey countryside in a big loop out around Dunsfold airfield and back. The sun even came out to show stunning vistas across open farmland.
The VC Meudon’s Rule of Grit route and GPX file can be found here or navigating to the ACC MTB Rides section. There is plenty of car parking and a cafe near the start/finish so why not give it a go.
It turned in to a great socially distanced meet up, seeing lots of former and current members!
We are planning our next ride to Polesden Lacey on Sunday 25th April. More details to follow.
Stay in touch with further off-road rides via the website and ACC’s Facebook page.
We will also be using Makesweat to book groups