Surrey League H/capp 04/06/15
1st Dylan Thomas VC Meudon
2nd Andy Lack Paceline RT
3rd Dave Kennett Addiscombe CC
5th Steve Broomfield Addiscombe CC
Race report by Dave Kennett
Back to Kitsmead Lane for last night, though with the evening lighter we were faced with 10 laps, or was it 12!!
Not a big field, surprising as probably the best weather so far. Managed to get set off in the first group with a couple of guys that did the first race here including Andy Lack from Paceline RT. After the first lap it soon became apparent that only a few of us were willing or able to work, so after a quick chat with Andy we attacked up the slight drag at the top of Cobham Lane. Good news, Dylan Thomas from VC Meudon came with us, leaving his team mate Mark Bremner back in the group. We then proceeded to work well for the next 45 mins holding between 1 – 2 mins on the field. The only hard bit coming when we went through the finish seeing the lap board hadn’t changed for a couple of laps!! A quick shout to the finish judge thankfully corrected this, 10 not 12 laps, not what you want to see when away. So to the sprint, I went first, but both Andy and myself were gapped by Dylan, who won with a fair gap, I finished 3rd, half a wheel behind Andy. Happy with the result as hadn’t done much this week and after a good workout for Sunday’s SERRL race.
Steve rode well finishing 5th, a good night for ACC.
Found out later Dylan had enough points for his 2nd cat and was a 16 year old!!!